Rank correlation

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In statistics, a rank correlation is the relationship between different rankings of the same set of items. A rank correlation coefficient measures the degree of similarity between two rankings, and can be used to assess its significance.


[edit] Correlation coefficients

Some of the more popular rank correlation statistics include

  1. Spearman's ρ
  2. Kendall's τ
  3. Goodman and Kruskal's γ

An increasing rank correlation coefficient implies increasing agreement between rankings. The coefficient is inside the interval [−1, 1] and assumes the value:

  • −1 if the disagreement between the two rankings is perfect; one ranking is the reverse of the other.
  • 0 if the rankings are completely independent.
  • 1 if the agreement between the two rankings is perfect; the two rankings are the same.

Following Diaconis (1988), a ranking can be seen as a permutation of a set of objects. Thus we can look at observed rankings as data obtained when the sample space is (identified with) a symmetric group. We can then introduce a metric, making the symmetric group into a metric space. Different metrics will correspond to different rank correlations.

[edit] General Correlation Coefficient

Kendall Kendall (1944) showed that can be defined a general correlation coefficient, of which his tau and the Spearman rho are particular cases.

Suppose we have a set of n objects, which are being considered in relation to two properties, represented by x and y, forming the sets of values \{x_i\}_{i\le n} and \{y_i\}_{i\le n}. To any pair of individuals, say the i-th and the j-th we assign a x-score, denoted by a_{ij}, and a y-score, denoted by b_{ij}. The only requirement made to this functions is anti-symmetry, so a_{ij}=-a_{ji} and b_{ij}=-b_{ji}. Then the generalised correlation coefficient \Gamma is defined by

\Gamma = \frac{\sum_{i,j = 1}^n a_{ij}b_{ij}}{\sqrt{\sum_{i,j = 1}^n a_{ij}^2 \sum_{i,j = 1}^n b_{ij}^2}}

[edit] Kendall's \tau as a particular case

If r_i is the rank of the i-member according to the x-quality, we can define

a_{ij} = \sgn(r_j-r_i)

and similarly for b. The sum \sum a_{ij}b_{ij} is twice the amount of concordant pairs minus the discordant pairs (see Kendall tau rank correlation coefficient). The sum \sum a_{ij}^2 is just the number of terms a_{ij}, equal to n(n-1), and so for \sum b_{ij}^2. It follows that \Gamma is equal to the Kendall's \tau coefficient.

[edit] Spearman's \rho as a particular case

If r_i, s_i are the ranks of the i-member according to the x and the y-quality respectively, we can simply define

a_{ij} = r_j-r_i
b_{ij} = s_j-s_i

The sums \sum a_{ij}^2 and \sum b_{ij}^2 are equal, since both r_i and s_i range from 1 to n. Then we have:

\Gamma = \frac{\sum (r_j-r_i)(s_j-s_i)}{\sum(r_j-r_i)^2}


\sum_{i,j = 1}^n (r_j-r_i)(s_j-s_i)= \sum_{i=1}^n \sum_{j=1}^n r_is_i + \sum_{i=1}^n \sum_{j=1}^n r_js_j - \sum_{i=1}^n \sum_{j=1}^n (r_is_j+r_js_i)
=2n\sum_{i=1}^n r_is_j - 2 \sum_{i=1}^n r_i \sum_{j=1}^n s_j
=2n\sum_{i=1}^n r_is_j - \frac12 n^2(n+1)^2

since \sum r_i and \sum s_j are both equal to the sum of the first n natural numbers, namely \frac12n(n+1).

We also have

S = \sum_{i=1}^n (r_i-s_i)^2 = 2 \sum r_i^2 - 2\sum r_is_i

and hence

\sum(r_j-r_i)(s_j-s_i) = 2n\sum r_i^2 - \frac12n^2(n+1)^2 - nS

Being \sum r_i^2 the sum of squares of the first n naturals, the last equation reduces to

\sum(r_j-r_i)(s_j-s_i) = \frac16n^2(n^2-1) - nS


\sum(r_j-r_i)^2 = 2n\sum r_i^2-2\sum r_ir_j
= 2n\sum r_i^2-2(\sum r_i)^2 = \frac16n^2(n^2-1)

and thus, substituting into the original formula these results we get

\Gamma = 1-\frac{6 S}{n^3-n}

which is exactly the Spearman's rank correlation coefficient \rho.

[edit] References

  • Everitt, B. S. (2002), The Cambridge Dictionary of Statistics, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, ISBN 0-521-81099-X 
  • Diaconis, P. (1988), Group Representations in Probability and Statistics, Lecture Notes-Monograph Series, Hayward, CA: Institute of Mathematical Statistics, ISBN 0-940600-14-5 
  • Kendall, M. G. (1970), Rank Correlation Methods, London: Griffin, ISBN 0-85264-199-0 
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