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The Stump: Oregon Opinion Articles

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Oregon opinion articles, political commentary, cartoons and more


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Oregon needs to turn economic growth into jobs

intel crane

By The Oregonian Editorial Board

June 07, 2012, 5:26PM
Increasing gross domestic product, which Oregon did better than 48 states last year, is easier than reducing the unemployment rate. Full story »

Free markets vs. family values: U.S. gap widens for children's well-being

By Syndicated columns

June 08, 2012, 3:30AM
Arlie Russell Hochschild writes: The U.S. ranked dead last among these 21 affluent countries in child poverty and second to last in "family and peer relationships" and "behaviors and risks." The likelihood of a child skipping breakfast, of becoming fat, of smoking pot, of a teenage girl getting pregnant -- on all these measure, the U.S. and Britain ranked worse than nearly all the other nations.  Full story »

An American political paradox of partisan divisions, yet a desire for compromise

By Syndicated columns

June 08, 2012, 3:00AM
Ruth Marcus writes: According to a new report from the Pew Research Center, 71 percent of Republicans and 58 percent of Democrats say their parties have not done a good job of standing up for traditional positions. Yet 80 percent of those surveyed say they favor "political leaders who are willing to make compromises in order to get the job done."  Full story »

Letters: Curbside compost, housing and education inequities, tsunami debris, Electoral College

By Letters to the editor

June 07, 2012, 8:00PM
Why destroy the dock and all the organisms from Japan when it could be researched and memorialized?  Full story »

Hands up, step away from the diaper

By The Oregonian Editorial Board

June 07, 2012, 6:03PM
. A long-running crime drama is called "Bones;" Portland could be the ideal location for one called "Eggshells."  Full story »

Barack Obama finds a diplomatic friend in democratic Turkey's prime minister


By Syndicated columns

June 07, 2012, 5:00PM
David Ignatius writes: Over the past year, this investment in Turkey has begun to pay some big dividends -- anchoring U.S. policy in a region that sometimes seems adrift.  Full story »

Barack Obama's campaign evolves from hope and change to fear and smear


By Syndicated columns

June 07, 2012, 3:20PM
Victor Davis Hanson writes: Obama once called for a focus on issues rather than personal invective. But now we mysteriously hear again of Romney's dog, his great-great-grandfather's wives, and a roughhousing incident some 50 years ago in prep school.  Full story »

Advice for Rudy Crew, Oregon's new chief education officer


By Guest Columnist

June 07, 2012, 6:00AM
John Jones writes: Whatever and whomever we are, our new education czar inherits it. How can we help him understand who we really are so that he has some reasonable chance of making a positive difference during his watch?  Full story »

What's the government's role in balancing social issues and affordable housing? It's a tough question

By Guest Columnist

June 07, 2012, 5:00AM
Harriet Cormack and Lee Moore write: We at Home Forward struggle every day to find cost-effective ways to use our limited resources to help the greatest number of low-income people find safe and decent housing. To what extent should our mission also be to provide opportunity and ensure affordable, equitable choices and to redistribute and redirect poverty regionally?  Full story »

Rep. Geoff Davis' REINS bill puts a check on the regulatory state

By Syndicated columns

June 07, 2012, 4:00AM
George F. Will writes: Regulatory power is executive power, which can be checked and balanced only by the other two branches.  Full story »

Michael Bloomberg's big beverage ban is another intrusion by the nanny state


By Syndicated columns

June 07, 2012, 3:00AM
Leonard Pitts Jr. writes: To stand at any busy intersection and watch America go waddling by, drinking a latte and munching a doughnut en route to McDonald's, is to understand the urgency of the problem that motivates the mayor. ... One cannot doubt the mayor's good intentions. His good sense, however, is another matter.  Full story »

Letters: Investing in PPS, autism and corn, rural counties, locked out of Lake Oswego

By Letters to the editor

June 06, 2012, 8:00PM
Public schools should be Portland's safest, healthiest and most inspiring places. We will all benefit from the return on our investment.  Full story »

Securing the common future


By The Oregonian Editorial Board

June 06, 2012, 5:50PM
Kitzhaber's 10-year energy plan, fuzzy in some of the details, should win support as it mines opportunity amid diminished resources. Energy, and how we fashion our lives around it in a time of diminished resources, will be at the center of most economic, natural resource and policy debates in the coming years.  Full story »

Multnomah County and its largest union show how to keep peace and find solutions

jeff cogen

By The Oregonian Editorial Board

June 06, 2012, 4:56PM
"Culture of collaboration" contributes to a results-oriented relationship between the county and the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees. Full story »
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