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My Oregon: The place to find all letters to the editor

Published: Friday, May 08, 2009, 2:44 PM     Updated: Friday, May 08, 2009, 4:49 PM

One of the small changes we've made to The Stump has caused confusion for those who enjoy the letters to the editor, including the point-counterpart letters, we regularly publish here.

Here's the change: We now post all the letters that we publish in the newspaper each day on the public blog My Oregon, where they join all the letters posted on that site by readers. The published letters will continue to appear on The Stump, but you can no longer use the letters to the editor link under "Categories" on the left side of The Stump to find new letters posted to the site.

Instead, click on the "letters' button at the very top of this page, or the My Oregon on the top right side, to see all the letters. We also invite you to bookmark My Oregon or add it to your RSS feed to receive letters to the editor.

We encourage readers to post their own letters because it ensures that they will be seen by thousands of other readers, whether or not they are chosen by the letters editor to appear in the newspaper. It's easy to post your own letters. Simply click on the link on the upper left of My Oregon that says "Write your letter now."

Thank you again for all your letters to the newspaper and the website.

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carlreynolds May 14, 2009 at 8:38AM

Surely you can make the maze more complicated than that!

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danuman May 31, 2009 at 4:18PM

Why is it that we continue to believe in hope and change when all we got was "take from the rich" - those of us still working earning over $14,000 per year - and apologize to our allies for sins of the past? We knew who these people were when they smooth talked us in believing the change they were offering was going to solve the misinformation propounded by them of the previous party in trying to protect us from evils developed by the Clinton administration while the previous Democratic president was diddlling with Jennifer Flowers, Monica Lewinsky, Paula Jones and Kathleen Wiley, and his foreign policy, as continued by his wife, was to pay off the evil forces in the world. What we got was an economic depression, a policy of free spending never authorized by a free electorate putting us into poverty for decades to come, apologies to the EU for the 140,000 Americans lying in Flanders field to save their precious lives, and a policy of dependency upon an ever expanding Federal bureaucracy forcing us into poverty and indolence never envisioned by our forefathers.
Under previos administrations, of both parties, we were proud to be Americans, proud to stand up in an ever changing world of terror and confrontation, proud of our sons and daughters serving our nation to keep us and 150 other nations free from creeping fascism and socialism, and defeating communism and dictatorship completely in our lifetimes. Previous generations understood the lessons of Pearl Harbor and the price of weakness in a world of sharks and jealous nations. We spent billions to keep them free. Then these people step up and say there is a better way than confrontation. Let us talk our way out of the problem. What is the result?
North Korea, a poverty nation, kept for sixty years at bay because we could not "negotiate" a peace treaty in 1953 by forty thousand US troops in South Korea for 55 years, and a staunch ally, South Kores, not afraid to antagonize a dictator at their doorstep, fires off nuclear missiles, giving the US and the world a middle finger, saying the Americans are paper tigers, and, again, want to talk about it. We gat an Iran, preparing to nuke our democratic ally, Isreal, and all we get in response from this administration is to kick Isreal in the pants and force them to accept peace from a polyglot people who wish to push them into the sea. Placate the terrorists, they say, the terrorists who will cut our throats, and "talk to them". They smell weakness again, just like at Pearl Harbor,
For those who know history ( and few in this generation do), this is 1938 again. We have a Chamberlain, (the president), who says there will be peace in our times because we can talk to the terrorists, just as we could talk to Hitler. We saw the same thing in 1914, when the Kaiser took on Europe and it took us three years of humiliation and embarrassment for a naive president to finally say enough. Of course then we were a powerful economic force in the world and could gear up quickly to meet the danger. The enemy is at the gates and we cannot see them.
Three years from now, with this administration, and the economic depression to follow, we will be sitting ducks waiting for a msssive economic and military strike from our friends just elated over our obvious weaknesses. They clearly see a naive and misdirected president and people lulled into indolency by a mindless, left leaning bureaucracy overwhelmed in debt and inefficiency. It didn't work in 1914, it didn't work in 1938, and it won't work now. There is a price to pay, and we all know what it is.
Wake up.
Daniel Uman
Portland, OR

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dunthorpeMD December 12, 2009 at 9:32PM

well said!!

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arnytodd July 16, 2009 at 3:07PM

Please allow me to speak for myself. I was not proud of our last administration or to be an American, yeah I said it, but it was a shameful time. I am proud to say once again that come hell or high water, in richness or massive debt, or which ever the way things turn out I AM PROUD TO BE AN AMERICAN ONCE AGAIN! This administration will make mistakes as they all do, and some lessons will come with a high price, but it is being done for the right reasons and I believe it is a honest attempt to do what is right. I am not a sheep (unlike most of the people that believed in the last administration), and I don't belive there are too many on the left. They are willing to THINK with their own minds and then decide what to do, based on the facts and situations that they are presented with. I don't know if you had cared to notice but they do not always vote along party lines now. Can you say that about when republicans were in control?
Did you ever for 1 second stop to think that maybe by talking they can actually achieve something and if not they at least can go to the world body and tell them we tried everything, we are not like the previous administration, we exhausted every possible means to resolve this without violence...but now we have no choice. And maybe with the rest of the world seeing that it is true they will support us and help us? Maybe Obama and his administration are just not cowboy enough for you? Maybe they just dont make rash decisions like you are comfortable with, you know guns blazing without any knowledge of what to expect in the aftermath. Maybe hes just not the kind of president you'd like to have a beer with, we all know how important that is.
Let me give you a little of the rhetoric that we heard when we spoke our minds during the Bush years and please feel free to follow it (unless your a hypocrite). This is America if you don't like it you can surely leave. Or how about this one, This president is a wartime president, if you don't support him you are against America and are helping the terrorist by showing that we are not united. Or this, By not showing your support for the President you are destroying the moral of our troops, they are dieing for this country and our freedom and for you to badmouth our President is bordering on being a terrorist yourself.
So put the flag back on your car, tell everyone how proud you are to be an American, support our troops and our president by blindy following everything he says and go back to sleep like you did for the last 8 years. In four to eight more years you might wake up and be suprised. After all the rest of us survived 8 years of idiocy and hell, surely you can at least try. God Bless America. Drill baby drill, etc

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dunthorpeMD December 12, 2009 at 9:37PM

Bush isn't the topic and Bush isn't the President ...he isn't the man with the largest deficit in the history of man...he didn't bow, kiss ass or apologize to every wotrld leader he met... he kept america safe ... he didn't nationalize the auto industry ..or the healthcare industry ...or the banks... he wasn't responsible for the biggest economic downturn in our history (the pelosi-Reid Depression) ....hey don't blame me ...I voted for the american!

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oregoncoaster March 27, 2010 at 3:16PM

Suggest you research Bush's deficit spending, cost of off-budget wars, and his increase in national debt. Only facts count, not right-wing talking points.

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lemansman August 21, 2009 at 11:09AM

A comment on the obsession with health care debate. In all my adult life ( I am 85) I have never seen our congt=ress so riveted on a matter that is secondary to the survival of the world! Aug.6,1945 was the first day that man had developed the atomis weapon and the abiliy to destroy life on our planet! So hat does Congress do? They fight about health care. At he same time Iran and Israel are actually considering startine a war that could become World Wal Three !!
Let's contact our congressmen about their lack of attention!

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dandydoodle October 14, 2009 at 4:29AM

The world lost faith in American world leadership under the GOP. Obama's Peace Prize is future-active because it restores that hope under our traditional policies for civility among nations.

Isn't it telling that the world can again hope for peaceful relations in the world while the GOP is now ravaging civility at home.

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Concerned on the Coast November 10, 2009 at 8:22AM

Yes, indeed, it is confusing. Maybe you should remove the other, old tags! So the online letters are not confined to 150 words then??

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Christy Turlington March 19, 2010 at 5:35AM

.I voted for the american!

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manuallylinkbuilding1 August 21, 2010 at 11:23AM

America is deserving .. I voted too
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Christy Turlington March 19, 2010 at 5:35AM

well said!!

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annylu August 04, 2010 at 8:19PM

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