Democratic Party (United States)

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The Democratic Party is one of two major political parties in the United States, the other being the Republican Party. It is the oldest political party in the United States and among the oldest in the world.[1][2] [3]


The Democratic Party traces its origins to the Democratic-Republican Party, founded by Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, and other influential opponents of the Federalists in 1792. Since the division of the Republican Party in the election of 1912, it has consistently positioned itself to the left of the Republican Party in economic as well as social matters. The economically activist philosophy of Franklin D. Roosevelt, which has strongly influenced American liberalism, has shaped much of the party's economic agenda since 1932. Roosevelt's New Deal coalition usually controlled the national government until the 1970s. The civil rights movement of the 1960s has continued to inspire the party's liberal principles, despite having lost the more conservative South in the process.

In 2004, it was the largest political party, with 72 million voters (42.6% of 169 million registered) claiming affiliation.[4] Since the 2006 midterm elections, the Democratic Party is the majority party for the 110th Congress; the party holds an outright majority in the House of Representatives and the Democratic caucus (including two independents) constitutes a majority in the United States Senate. Democrats also hold a majority of state governorships and control a plurality of state legislatures.


The following are a list of national leaders of the Democratic Party[5].


Title Officer State
Chairman Governor Tim Kaine Virginia
Vice-Chairman Congressman Mike Honda California
Vice-Chairwoman Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz Florida
Vice Chair for Voter Registration/Participation Donna Brazile District of Columbia
Vice Chair for State Democratic Chairpersons Raymond Buckley New Hampshire
Secretary Alice Germond California
Treasurer Andrew Tobia New York
National Finance Chair Jane Stetson Vermont
Congressional Committee Chairman Congressman Chris Van Hollen Maryland
Governors Association Chairman Governor Jack Markell Delaware
Senatorial Committee Chairman Senator Robert Menendez New Jersey
State Legislative Campaign Committee Chairman State Senator Mike Gronstal Iowa
House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi California
U.S. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid Nevada

State Chairpersons

The following are a list of state chairpersons in the Democratic Party[6].

State Chairperson
Alaska Joe Turnham
Alabama Hon. Mike Hubbard
Arizona Bill Roe
Arkansas Todd Turner
California John Burton
Colorado Patricia Waak
Connecticut Nancy DiNardo
Delaware John Daniello
District of Columbia Anita Bonds
Florida Hon. Karen Thurman
Georgia Hon. Jane Kidd
Hawaii Hon. Dante Carpenter
Idaho Keith Roark
Illinois Hon. Michael Madigan
Indiana Dan Parker
Iowa Sue Dvorsky
Kansas Larry Gates
Kentucky Dan Logdson
Louisiana Karen Peterson
Maine John Knutson
Maryland Susie Turnbull
Masachusetts John Walsh
Michigan Mark Brewer
Minnesota Brian Melendez
Mississippi Jamie Franks
Missouri Craig Hosmer
Nebraska Victor Covalt III
Nevada Sam Lieberman
New Jersey Hon. Javier Gonzales
New Hampshire Hon. Raymond Buckley
New Mexico Hon. Javier Gonzales
New York Jay Jacobs
North Carolina David Young
North Dakota Mark Schneider
Ohio Hon. Chris Redfern
Oklahoma Todd Goodman
Oregon Meredith Wood Smith
Pennsylvania Hon. Jim Burn
Rhode Island Hon. Edwin Pacheco
South Carolina Carol Fowler
South Dakota Cheryl Chapman
Tennessee Chip Forrester
Texas Boyd Richie
Utah Wayne Holland, Jr.
Vermont Judy Bevans
Virginia C. Richard Cranwell
Washington State Hon. Dwight Pelz
West Virginia Larry Puccio
Wisconsin Mike Tate
Wyoming Chuck Herz

2010 Elections

State Legislatures

In 2010, a total of 1,229 candidates for State Senate and 5,009 candidates for State House are running under the Democrat label. This totals for 48.1% of the 11,099 candidates running for state house in all parties. For State Senate, Democrat candidates total for 44.4% of the 2,765 candidates running for Senate in all parties. State legislative elections will take place in 46 states during the 2010 election cycle.


In 2010, a total of 37 governorships will be contested. The Democrats have fielded 70 candidates in 36 governorships.

External links


  1. Party of the People: A History of the Democrats by Jules Witcover, 2003, chapter 1, p.3: "The Democratic Party of the United States, the oldest existing in the world, was in a sense an illegitimate child, unwanted by the founding fathers of the American Republic."
  2. The Right Nation: Conservative Power in America by John Micklethwait & Adrian Wollridge, 2004, p.15: "The country possesses the world's oldest written constitution (1787); the Democratic Party has a good claim to being the world's oldest political party."
  3. Democratic Party, Encyclopædia Britannica Online
  4. Why politics is fun from catbirds' seats Neuhart, P. (22 January, 2004), USA Today
  5. Democratic National Committee "Our People"
  6. Democratic National Committee "In Your State"(Click on State name on drop down menu)
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