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Rumor: Rayman Legends Listed For Vita By Spanish Retailer

A Spanish retail website has a listing for a Vita version of Rayman Legends, along with a release date. Gamepur discovered the listing on fnac.es, which lists the game for release on Vita on August 29.

Earlier this year, Rayman Legends lost its Wii U exclusivity in favor of Ubisoft delaying the game for additional releases on Xbox 360 and PlayStation. Seeing the game also receive a release on Vita would not be surprising, but Ubisoft has made no official announcements. At this moment, this is purely rumor, but it's a rumor I wouldn't mind becoming the truth.

[via Joystiq]

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  • Yes! The FIRST game was excellent on the vita and well done.
  • That's even before the console releases....wow...if this and that release date are true...my respect for Ubisoft will drop lower...the only thing they have going for me atm is Watch Dogs. Every other game I've bought from them I've been disappointed with. Honestly, to me, EA > Ubisoft.
  • Cool beans, controls would port extremely well from Wii U.

  • That would look so beautiful on the Vita's screen. :D
  • Makes sense.

  • Of course this is a rumor. Why wouldn't Ubisoft already announce they were making a Vita game??? There is literally no benefit to keeping quiet about a Vita version of this game. I think this is more of a rumor than truth because Ubisoft would have said there was a Vita version a LONG TIME AGO.
  • <.< >.> -.- I don't mind them releasing this on the Vita, but releasing this earlier than the Wii U version is a huge punch in the gut to Wii U owners. I'm starting to wonder why Ubisoft had intended to release this on the Wii U in the first place, now.

  • Hmm, well, it's coming I guess.

  • Cue the "I really love this game but hate it now because it should be a Wii U exclusive and release now because I'm impatient" comments.
  • Who's shocked?

  • I hope so. Origins looked and worked great on the Vita. I'd buy the Vita version over the Wii U version.
  • Hope it doesn't get delayed half a year.

  • Fake. I hope it's fake.Ubisoft, don't do this to me.

  • i wouldn't be surprised; isn't rayman origins on vita?
  • I really want this to happen. I played the first one on the vita and I loved it. I would like to keep playing this series in the same franchise. Has anyone stopped to wonder that the other versions might get released also on that date?
  • it makes sense. its on pretty much everything else. why not just port it over to Vita?

  • And the crowd goes wild over rumors yet again.

  • That wouldn't be hard to port.

  • Considering the use of the touchscreen in the Wii U version, this could work pretty well.

  • Cross Controller functionality like LBP2 or even some basic functions like Guacamelee would be welcomed. I use cross controller on both and really like it.

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