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Editorial: Downloadable Games Deserve Justice

With the impending announcement of next-generation hardware, the major console manufacturers have undoubtedly spent a lot of time analyzing their approach to the current systems, taking stock of what worked and what needs to improve. Flashy new features are inevitable, but companies also need to focus on not making the same mistakes. I hope the incompetent handling of downloadable games is at the top of everybody’s “don’t make these mistakes again” list.

It’s easy to point to successful titles on services like Xbox Live Arcade, PlayStation Network, and WiiWare and say that the systems work. After all, they brought games like Journey, Castle Crashers, Braid, and Cave Story into our living rooms. But for every title on these services that gets a solid release date in advance (and the marketing to raise awareness), dozens are handled with a baffling lack of care and planning.

Look at The Cave, for example. Sega revealed it was publishing the adventure game from Ron Gilbert and Double Fine last May, and it had a solid E3 showing…but interested gamers didn’t have any solid release information to hang their hopes on. Even with trailers and information trickling out, having a definitive date to look forward to is invaluable. It lets gamers plan ahead in terms of budgeting time and money, and it lets publishers ramp up excitement gradually in the weeks prior to release. That didn’t get a chance to happen with The Cave; fans only got one week’s notice.

I won’t pretend to know any specifics with regards to The Cave’s release, but I’ve seen similar things happen to other titles. Can you imagine why a developer would want one measly week to promote and generate excitement for its game’s imminent release? Probably not. In the downloadable game space, that’s not a choice you would make for yourself; it’s a choice that’s made for you.

While the publishers are supposedly responsible for getting games into people’s hands, most of the blame lies squarely with Sony, Microsoft, and Nintendo. They are the gatekeepers of their own services, and they decide which games are available and when. I once played a complete game five months before it finally went on sale. When I played it, the developer was planning to see release in a few weeks, so something must have gone wrong on the other side of the equation. If developers don't even know when their games are coming out, how are gamers supposed to find out? 

Here's a fun game to help illustrate my point: Do a quick search online and try to find what games are coming out on Xbox Live Arcade or PlayStation Network for the month. Good luck! According to Major Nelson right now, the only upcoming Xbox Live Arcade game is called Special Forces: Seal Team X – which allegedly comes out tomorrow, despite the fact that I can’t seem to find any corroborating proof that it exists. How is a studio supposed to build up any hype prior to release if gamers can’t even find out what’s coming out in the next four weeks?

These fluid (or non-existent) release dates are an inexcusable problem. They may not be as profitable as triple-A releases, but downloadable games don’t deserve to be treated like second-class citizens. For the next generation, all console manufacturers need to get this area under control. Downloadable games are only going to become more important, but the current lack of planning and communication surrounding them is essentially setting them up to fail. It does a shameful disservice to the developers who work so hard on these games, and to the gamers who might otherwise have enjoyed them.

This story was originally published on February 5, 2013.

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  • I'll drink to that!
  • Fosho Joe.

  • Have a cookie, Joe. You deserved it. I think you bring up a very good point. Since well over a third of the money spent on games last year were spent on digital games and DLC, it's a very important part of the market. They deserve at least a little respect.
  • agreed. i finally played The Unfinished Swan and am loving it. i have been getting into indie games more and more and would love to have them treated the same as AAA titles. even watching Indie Game: The Movie and seeing the hell that Team Meat went through with Microsoft on their launch of Super Meat Boy shows that this is a problem that needs fixed.
  • Charging full retail price for downloadable games is one of the bigger problems of the downloadable market. In this economy, some people simply can't afford full price; and if the prices of those games don't drop, I do not see how that can help developers when their publishers start to wonder why certain titles from certain studios are not selling.
  • I agree, they could be doing better.

  • This was great article and you bring up some very valid points!

  • Same here Joe. I need to get into some more downloadable games one of these days. . .

  • Hear Hear

  • I want to agree with you but what I seen with my experience on XBLA shows that most of the games that didn't get any publicity really didn't deserve it. For instance games like Zombie Wranglers, Beat n Groovy, Blade Kitten really weren't deserving of much publicity. Yes, some good games deserved a bit more publicity but in truth, looking at the catalogue on XBLA, most of the best games got good marketing behind it. I remember games like Shadow Complex, Bastion among others got good coverage, sadly some titles will always go under the radar, but if anything XBLA has proven to be a very useful platform for up and coming games. Besides the most reliable way to promote a game is through a god trial and word of mouth is a very powerful tool whe it comes to downloadable games.
  • Many Downloadable games have been greater than games with bigger budgets and released with all kinds of ads and stuff these days, its a shame that downloadable games are getting scrubbed because of poor marketing and planning. Digital games are the future, there was another GI article showing how the digital sales rose while physicals dropped

  • I agree. I found so many good projects on Kickstarter that will supposedly will be on Steam, but they don't have a release title. A few examples are Super Retro Squad and Strike Suit Zero. These are two fantastic games that I don't know the release date or pricing of. It's disappointing
  • I usually have no idea when downloadable games come out until I see reviews pop up

  • Is the downloadable games link not working for anyone else?

  • While "Downloadable Games" is too broad a term for PC gamers (considering we've been downloading games, big and small, for quite some time now), I understand what you mean by it, and fully support these "on budget" games, as I like to call them.

    Which is not a bad name for it. At all. Some of the most innovative games of the last couple years are not triple-A material (and surpringly better than the majority of overhyped triple-A titles), turning a large profit regardless of the money invested into it. Content speaks volumes, and money not always translates into "good" or even "sizeable" content.
  • I somewhat agree. By that, I mean that I agree with what you're saying about the handling of a game's release. What I don't agree with is the overall disposition of this article. Gaming publications (also websites in this case) don't do very much to help out that section of the industry either.

    The article claims recognition of how important downloadable games are becoming, yet very few are ever mentioned. Of course games like 'The Walking Dead' and 'Journey' are brought up, but if you really want to bring attention to these often-overlooked games, it's going to take more individual articles, reviews, features, and discussions than just recapping popular titles we may have missed last year. I agree that these games deserve justice, but justice from more than just the publishers.
  • Hell it would be nice if Sony would market even one of their games. They put tons of money into their titles, then right in the home stretch they completely drop the ball! I can't help but wonder how many of their studios would still be open if they just marketed the games they were making?

  • I have to agree. When publishers would want people to go digital for game purchases because it makes them more money... it feels like they're doing everything to discourage us from going digital instead. Bad pricing, no hype, no advertising, no incentive to go digital. If these publishers were smart about it, they could be slowing training new and old gamers alike that digital gaming is the way of the future. Making us comfortable with it to the point that it becomes natural to pre-purchase the game and download it on release. Yet I feel alienated and distrustful of the digital option instead...
  • Great point Joe! This happens very often. And add to this the fact that Xbox has ended its XNA program and I'm very confused about what the future of indie games looks like.

  • Considering that many downloadables are better than games coming from some long-running franchises, they better damn well learn to support products.  It's the last bastion for innovative small companies.

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