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Friday Links: We Made You A Spring Mixtape

This week a couple us at Game Informer HQ made you a Spring 2013 mixtape (is this not already the best link roundup ever?!). Bryan Vore and Matt Helgesen had a lot to do with this list, and I suspect that before the week is out Bertz will have some additions as well.

Have a listen to the Game Informer :: Spring 2013 Mixtape over at Spotify

(Note that the web playlist only shows you the first 30 songs. There's plenty more at the full Spotify playlist.)

Before I unleash the rest of this week's links, I need to know if anyone else is as excited about the newly announced LOTRO expansion as I am. I'm not playing this game even a tenth as much as I used to, but I seriously cannot wait to get my paws on this.


Kickstarter of the Week: Camelot Unchained, from a dude who worked on DAoC. I was on the fence on this one until today when "BSC Stealth" was introduced. Only a few days left to make it go.

5th grader joke of the day: Why does Snoop Lion need an umbrella?

What is your band name? Advancing Llama, thankyouverymuch.

"Star Wars: A New Hope" in 1 minute.

That's no math problem!

Twin movies.


Doggy photobomb 4ever.

Game of Thrones, Friends style.

This ninja leaf needs no introduction.

Metallic putty eating magnets. I-- I-- I am oddly disturbed by this?

"Oh good, a mug with a handle made of human fingers."

Coffee drinks you've probably never heard of. I get the dirty chai from the corner coffee shop and it punches you in all the right places just like you'd expect.

These sweaters, for your next dress-up party.

This guy built his own Batcave.

"Thor 2" has a trailer.

Batman villains in their 1940s mugshots.

Ever wondered what it would be like to ride a 15' tall bicycle? Yeah me neither, but I still had to watch this.

9 classic movies that some of the cast & crew thought was awful. Heh, "Flaws."

Did you all catch this podcast of Andy McNamara and Adam Biessener sharing MMO war stories? Had me laughing out loud at my desk.

Your favorite geeky thing? There's a hockey jersey for that. I'M HAVING SERIOUS GHOSTBUSTERS JERSEY LUST!

Creaing the world of "Oblivion." I'm always a sucker for these meta-vids.

Adorable 3DS redesigns that should be a thing.

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  • I am also extremely excited about the Helm's Deep expansion! Can't wait to explore the Hornburg and Edoras this fall.
  • Glad to see some people over at GI have some love for JT. 20/20 experience is my jam.

  • Kevin Smith should be the spokesmen for that hockey jersey site.

  • Thor 2 does have an awesome trailer. Those mugs, oh Lord. Great 3DS Modders.

  • I would like to say thank you very much for doing these blogs. To be honest, this is one of the things I look forward to reading on Fridays. I would have never found thingsfittingperfectlyintothings blog without your knowledge/mastery of the internet.

  • So which editor is a Big Odd Future fan? cause i always see a couple songs by them on these playlists, is it a bunch of different editors or does one person pick them?