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The Twilight Highlight Zone - Episode 2

Last week, Ben Hanson and I posted the first episode of our ongoing Twilight Zone podcast, which we're calling the "Twilight Highlight Zone." The setup is simple: We're watching every episode of the pioneering television show and podcasting our thoughts in five-episode blocks. We've got an all-new podcast for you this week, and it features some of the classics.

We're still working out the kinks, so feel free to pass along whatever constructive criticisms you have in the comments. One of the goals here is to get a good discussion going, so catch up with us and weigh in. We'll be following the same five-episode block schedule weekly, with new episodes coming Mondays. The Twilight Zone is available on Netflix streaming and other services, so get on it already.

This week's podcast covers the following episodes:

6. Escape Clause

7. The Lonely

8. Time Enough at Last

9. Perchance to Dream

10. Judgment Night


If you missed out on last week's episode, it's available over here.

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  • This show(TTHZ, I mean) is great! It's so awesome this is happening!
    EDIT: "ben hanso" ;P
  • Great, I love listening to these! How many episodes left?
  • I keep reading it as Twilight Zone Highlight Zone.

    I'm surprised no one brought up "YOU'RE a potato pancake!"

  • My Own Personnel Scores
    Escape Clause: 4/10
    The Lonely: 3/10
    Time Enough At Last: 9/10
    Perchance to Dream: 9/10
    Judgment Night: 7/10
  • i love this

  • This is great guys, I hope you keep this up, Twilight Zone is awesome

  • I'm really enjoying this new podcast, I don't have Netflix, but I've seen just about every ep of the Twilight Zone a few times, so I remember a lot of what you guys mention.
  • Anybody recognize a young Ted Knight as the *** crewman in The Lonely?  Also Cat Lady Maya in Perchance to Dream FTW - that chick is SMOKIN' hot.  These are hilarious!  Keep 'em comin'!

  • Thanks for doing this! Why does Cork use that whiny old timey voice for all the characters? It's kind of grating on my nerves. This show isn't THAT old. Ha. Not a huge deal. I thought "Escape Clause" was OK. It's not Serling's best work. I think this would be the rare occasion when an hour-long episode would help flesh out this concept. Cork is pretty harsh on this one. I like how the Devil is obese in this particular story and the twist is so sad.

    The other episodes of this block are downright classics. I watch them every year when the marathons are airing on SyFy. I like how the characters are so flawed, powerless, and meek in a majority of the classic episodes.

    Suggestion: You guys should put a 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5 in front of the episode numbers to keep the seasons straight for the listeners.

    Question: What was your first TZ episode, Cork and Hanson?
  • Wow, I was so waiting for this podcast. How many are these left?
  • There is a good episode of Batman the animated series called "Perchance to Dream"

  • Escape Clause: I think I was more on Hanson's side with this one. I didn't mind it, really. Not the best episode, but it had a clever premise. I do agree with Jeff though, that guy was just the worst. 8/10

    The Lonely: Honestly? Meh. Wasn't a big fan of the thing as a whole. It was alright, but I didn't think it was super amazing. The message was the best part for me. It had me thinking about it for days. 6/10

    Time Enough At Last: You guys said it best. It's a classic for a reason. 10/10

    Perchance to Dream: I really liked this episode for some reason, and I think Ben made me realize why. I absolutely love the Nightmare On Elm Street series, and anything that has to do with the idea of dying in your sleep. The twist at the end was amazing as well.It was super weird though. 9/10 Also, was the guy dead the whole time? I thought he was killed from the shock of jumping out of the window in the dream. I think I remember the psychiatrist saying he was dead within minutes, but of course, time in dreams works different than in real life. *Takes off nerd glasses*

    Judgement Night: For the record, I was interrupted a lot during this episode and couldn't really pay attention to it, so that really affects my view of it. The twist was really, really good though. The rest, like I said, I could just barely pay attention to it. 7/10

    I can't wait until next week's episode! :D

  • Good episode I'm suprised by how much you guys didn't like a Penchance to Dream. I like that one as much as Time Enough at Last. Both 9/10

  • Anyway we can get these onto an RSS feed so I can listen to them easier on my cell phone? I do most of my podcast listening on the go.

  • I'm really enjoying this new podcast.  There are a lot of great episodes on the horizon.  Where is the next podcast already!?

  • I need that new episode!

  • Big fan of the Twilight Zone, but there are many episodes I haven't seen. I'll probably watch along with these podcasts, because this is a great, trippy show to hear discussions about.

    In Perchance to Dream, I think the point at the end was that he came in and fell asleep instantly in the psychiatrist's office, but the rest of the episode was his dream that led up to him being so scared to fall asleep even though he was asleep, that he jumped out the window to end it all. The shock of jumping to the ground below in his dream is what killed him.