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Tbilisi protests 05 23 2013
May 24, 2013
6:01 am
TBILISI — Many believe the government is seeking to divert attention from a confrontation with an increasingly powerful church by arresting the head of the main opposition party, a close ally of outgoing President Mikheil Saakashvili. That’s helping raise concerns about the country’s direction months before a presidential election this fall.
May 23, 2013
4:23 pm
Anthony weiner mayoral bid 2012 05 23
NY Gov. Andrew Cuomo said 'shame on us,' when asked about the possibility of Weiner being elected mayor after a recent sexting scandal.
May 23, 2013
4:00 pm
Mexico soldiers 2013 05 23
It's the general's hour again in Mexico as the new president deploys troops in Michoacan, where gangsters are facing off against vigilante militias.
May 23, 2013
3:21 pm
Paris eiffel tower couple kissing
French lawmakers back a controversial plan to offer more university courses in English.
May 23, 2013
1:38 pm
Woolwich 05 23 2012
David Cameron says the assault will only “make us stronger.”
May 23, 2013
12:42 pm
Biden penn comments1
Some called for an apology for his commencement comments, while others dismissed the criticism.
May 23, 2013
11:42 am
Obama prom pictures
President Obama's 1979 prom photos have the Internet in a frenzy.
May 23, 2013
10:24 am
Obama counterterrorism speech
President Obama on the United States' 'war on terror.'
May 23, 2013
10:17 am
Guantanamo dc protest 2013 02 21
Analysis: The president renews efforts to close the Guantanamo detention facility, but does he really have a chance?
May 23, 2013
10:14 am
Kerry initiative obama israel
Secretary of State hopes to push for a resumption of Israel-Palestine peace talks, as he heads directly to talks with top leaders.
May 23, 2013
9:18 am
Hezbollah terrorist organization eu
Hezbollah has been aiding Syrian forces in the country's civil war, prompting an EU motion to label them a terrorist group.