"Samuel L Jackson"

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Featured Movies for "Samuel L Jackson"
Pulp Fiction (Two-Disc Collector's Edition)
Pulp Fiction (Two-Disc Collector's Edition) directed by Quentin Tarantino
Plot Outline - The lives of two mob hit men, a boxer, a gangster's wife, and a pair of diner bandits intertwine in four tales of violence and redemption.

Snakes on a Plane (Widescreen Edition)
Snakes on a Plane (Widescreen Edition) directed by David R Ellis
Plot Outline - On board a flight over the Pacific Ocean, an assassin, bent on killing a passenger who's a witness in protective custody, lets loose a crate full of deadly snakes.

Jackie Brown (Two-Disc Collector's Edition)
Jackie Brown (Two-Disc Collector's Edition) directed by Quentin Tarantino
Plot Outline - A female flight attendant becomes a key figure in a plot between the police and an arms dealer.

Unbreakable (Two-Disc Vista Series)
Unbreakable (Two-Disc Vista Series) directed by M Night Shyamalan
Plot Outline - A suspense thriller with supernatural overtones that revolves around a man who learns something extraordinary about himself after a devastating accident.

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