Idaho 2006 ballot measures

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Four statewide ballot questions were on the November 7, 2006 ballot in Idaho, along with a statewide advisory question.

  • Two measures that appeared on the ballot were initiated state statutes.
  • Two measures that appeared on the ballot were legislatively-referred constitutional amendments.

On the ballot

Type Title Subject Description Result
CISS Proposition 1 Education Increases K-12 education funding for local public schools by adding 1% to sales tax Defeatedd
CISS Proposition 2 Eminent domain Limits on the government's ability to take private property using eminent domain Defeatedd
LRCA H.J.R. 2 Marriage State would only recognize a marriage between a man and a woman Approveda
LRCA S.J.R. 107 Tobacco Creates a permanent tobacco endowment fund Approveda
AQ Advisory Vote Property Taxes Would maintain established property tax relief Approveda

Not on the ballot

Type Title Subject Description Result
CISS Repeal of Right to Work Act Labor Repeal of Idaho's Right to Work Law, Idaho code sections 44-2001 through 44-2012.
CISS Initiative Abolishing Idaho Judicial Council Judiciary Abolishes Idaho Judicial Council and limiting judicial immunity in most instances, creating a 15 member commission to review complaints of judicial misconduct and granting the commission the power and authority to impose sanctions and setting forth the duties of the commission
CISS Reducing the License Fees Upon Recreational Vehicles Transportation An initiative reducing the license fees upon recreational vehicles by amending Idaho Code § 49-445.
CI Limiting property tax Taxes An initiative limiting property taxes to one percent of the January 2005 value or the transaction price of the property.
CI Amending the Idaho Open Meeting Law Admin of gov't Amending the scope of the Idaho Open Meeting Law by altering the definition of governing body to include additional entities, increasing fines for violations
CI Wolf Regulation Wolf Management Directing the discontinuance of all wolf recovery efforts, removal of all wolves reintroduced by Idaho Fish and Game Department, and the classification and management of wolves as unprotected predatory wildlife

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