19 December 2013 Last updated at 12:18 ET

European markets rise on Fed moveShare price graph rising

European stock markets rise on news of the US Fed's "taper", but Wall Street fails to hold on to gains made after the announcement.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel and French President Francois Hollande, 19 Dec 13EU summit to approve banking reforms

EU leaders meeting in Brussels are to sign off a long-awaited pact on closing failing banks, seen as the biggest centralisation of power in the bloc since the euro's launch.

Saab JAS 39 Gripen jetSaab wins $4.5bn Brazil jet contract

Shares in Sweden's Saab surge almost 30% after the company edges out rivals Boeing and Dassault to win a $4.5bn (£2.7bn) contract to supply Brazil's air force with new fighter jets.

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Robert Peston, Business editor Article written by Robert Peston Robert Peston Business editor

Is this really 'banking union'?

Has Germany's determination to protect German taxpayers from the costs of rescuing banks in other eurozone countries undermined the credibility of new rules to resolve or limit the damage from bank failures?

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Linda Yueh Article written by Linda Yueh Linda Yueh Chief business correspondent

Fed tapers, now the hard part begins

In a move that was both anticipated and yet still surprised, the US central bank eased its stimulus efforts. Now the hard part begins.

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Market Data

Last Updated at 13:03 ET

Market index Current value Trend Variation % variation
Dow Jones 16172.43 Up 4.46 0.03%
Nasdaq 4057.74 Down -12.33 -0.30%
S&P 500 1807.71 Down -2.94 -0.16%
FTSE 100 6584.70 Up 92.62 1.43%
Dax 9335.74 Up 153.99 1.68%
BBC Global 30 7028.64 Up 26.81 0.38%

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