Staff columns

Barbara Brotman

Barbara Brotman

Just for the holidays, Chicago becomes quiet  - December 23, 2013 - Looking for a last-minute gift?

Steve Chapman

Steve Chapman

A bad year for freedom in the world   - December 22, 2013 - The course of freedom and democracy in the world is an evolutionary process, though sometimes it proceeds in the wrong direction. Wines have good years and bad years. If 2013 were a wine, you'd use it to kill weeds.

Jon Hilkevitch

Jon Hilkevitch

New O'Hare runway leads to more landings — and congestion  - December 22, 2013 - A new runway is allowing airplanes coming into O'Hare International Airport to shave several precious minutes off their time in the air but is also forcing those jets to spend more minutes taxiing to their gates after they have landed.

Blair Kamin

Blair Kamin

Firm climbs to prominence along with its buildings  - December 25, 2013 - For decades, despite his considerable talents and NBA-size height, Chicago architect Jim Goettsch labored in the shadows of such celebrated designers as Helmut Jahn.

John Kass

John Kass

A very Kass Christmas greeting  - December 24, 2013 - For all the children who should be loved always, but especially on this wondrous night, with our arms around them and a long good-night kiss on the temple, a kiss more precious than anything wrapped in a box.

Clarence Page

Clarence Page

2013: A year to 'twerk' your 'selfie'  - December 29, 2013 - If you managed to get through 2013 without "twerking," "vaping," "taking a selfie" or "mining a bitcoin," rest easy. I think your life may be the richer for it.

Mary Schmich

Mary Schmich

2013 with rhyme but not much reason  - December 29, 2013 - Let's bid a farewell

Dawn Turner Trice

Dawn Turner Trice

Before selling Women & Children First bookstore, owners offer gift ideas  - December 23, 2013 - We all love great stories. So, for Christmas gift ideas, I asked Linda Bubon and Ann Christophersen, owners of Women & Children First bookstore, to recommend five books with top-notch storytelling.

Eric Zorn

Eric Zorn

Year of surprises leaves soothsayers grasping for soothiness  - December 29, 2013 - The most surprising news event of 2013 was the botched rollout of, the Web portal to Obamacare.

Other columnists

Dennis Byrne

Dennis Byrne

The joy of Christmas music  - December 24, 2013 - Without music, tonight and tomorrow would be just another Tuesday evening and Wednesday morning.

Meghan Daum

Meghan Daum

Davion Only and the foster care conundrum  - October 25, 2013 - Born to a mother in prison, 15-year-old Davion Only has been in foster care all his life. Last month he walked into a church in St. Petersburg, Fla., and pleaded for a family of his own.

Jonah Goldberg

Jonah Goldberg

'Duck Dynasty' and a free society  - December 25, 2013 - Normally at this time of year, the culture-war fight is over a guy with a white beard. That's true again this year. What's different is that Phil Robertson has taken Santa's place, and instead of a war on Christmas, we have a war on "Duck Dynasty."

Victor Davis Hanson

Victor Davis Hanson

The orphaned middle class - December 26, 2013 - On almost every left-right issue that divides Democrats and Republicans -- as well as Republicans themselves -- there is a neglected populist constituency. The result is that populist politics are largely caricatured as Tea Party extremism -- and a voice for the middle class is largely absent.

Arianna Huffington

Arianna Huffington

Helping Italians tell their own stories - September 27, 2013 - ROME -- Ciao from Rome, where I'm delighted to announce the launch of L'Huffington Post. I've always had a great fondness for the boot-shaped country and as a Greek, I feel a kinship with a fellow Mediterranean land where someone is always trying to get you to eat something and nothing starts on...

Charles Krauthammer

Charles Krauthammer

Story of the year: A disaster in the making  - December 23, 2013 - — The lie of the year, according to Politifact, is "If you like your health care plan, you can keep it." But the story of the year is a nation waking up to just how radical Obamacare is — which is why it required such outright deception to get it passed in the first place.

Robert Koehler

Robert Koehler

Values in shrink-wrap - December 26, 2013 - Amid the love and ripped shrink-wrap plastic of Christmas, my 7-month-old great nephew, Joey, sat contentedly gumming the cardboard label on a stuffed pink elephant he'd been given -- his grin piercing the excesses of the season that lay crumpled all around him.

Kathleen Parker

Kathleen Parker

Make a girl laugh  - December 13, 2013 - — Make a woman laugh, Marilyn Monroe supposedly said, and you can make her do anything.

William Pfaff

William Pfaff

We need your prayers this season, Pope Francis - December 24, 2013 - Christmas this year seems more the occasion of religious war than of the peace to which the greeting cards routinely allude. Peace talks, such as the "5 plus 1" talks seeking reconciliation with Iran to eliminate the threat of war from or against that country, are the subject of...

Leonard Pitts, Jr.

Leonard Pitts, Jr.

Lights. Camera. Corruption. - December 8, 2013 - You want to know the worst part?

Bill Press

Bill Press

Edward Snowden's revenge - December 19, 2013 - Fasten your seat belts. We've seldom seen a more sudden reversal of public policy on any issue than we saw this week with the National Security Agency. And it's all in the right direction.

Mary Sanchez

Mary Sanchez

In Sochi Olympic Games, shades of 1936 - December 20, 2013 - So who will be the Jesse Owens of the Sochi Winter Olympics?

Cal Thomas

Cal Thomas

A Duck Dynasty checklist - December 26, 2013 - The outrage industry was in high dudgeon just before Christmas over remarks "Duck Dynasty" family patriarch, Phil Robertson, made to GQ magazine about homosexuality. Outrage is the primary ingredient for political fundraising and political power. One must always have an enemy.

Jules Witcover

Jules Witcover

A year consumed by Obamacare fight, with more to come - December 29, 2013 - WASHINGTON -- As the end of 2013 approaches, seldom has a domestic issue so dominated the political center stage as Obamacare did this year. The president's health-care insurance law has ridden a policy roller-coaster and will still have a huge question mark hanging over it in 2014.

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