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 Marc Trestman nurtures Bears' band of brothers

Trestman nurtures Bears' band of brothers 

When the game clock finally showed the Bears the only shred of brotherly love Philadelphia had to offer last Sunday, they retreated to their...

Workers, get ready for 2014

Huppke: Workers, get ready for 2014 

As has become tradition at I Just Work Here Inc., I'm going to end the year and start a new one by turning this space over to some of the...

Hooray for Bollywood: Chicago stars in 'Dhoom 3'

Hooray for Bollywood: Chicago stars in 'Dhoom 3' 

"Call Northside 777." "Medium Cool." "The Blues Brothers." "Ferris Bueller's Day Off." "The Dark Knight." Chicago finds itself on screen a...

Carolyn Kirschner, gynecologic oncologist

Carolyn Kirschner, gynecologic oncologist 

Dr. Carolyn Kirschner believes helping women is not just her job, it's her calling.