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Cyclones hitting Australia plummet to 1500-year low

TODAY:  18:00 29 January 2014

Geological records show that rotating storm systems in Australia are becoming rarer – but those that do occur will be far more severe, models predict

Parched California hunts for water in unusual places

TODAY:  21:55 28 January 2014

California's extreme drought could become the new norm as the climate warms, leaving engineers scrambling to develop new ways to slake the state's thirst

Dangerous rare elephants pose conservation conundrum

TODAY:  17:11 28 January 2014

Asian elephants menacing the Hassan district of Karnataka are being rounded up but opinion is divided over whether it is best to train or relocate them

Fancy tech will not solve massive land loss, says UN

TODAY:  16:41 28 January 2014

We risk destroying an area of land the size of Brazil by 2050 – but the answer is not smarter food production, but less waste

Grand Canyon is a sprightly young 6-million-year-old

TODAY:  18:00 26 January 2014

New measurements date Arizona's vast canyon to 6 million years ago, not 70 million years as has been suggested

There's a vog on Vanuatu

PICTURE OF THE DAY:  16:47 23 January 2014

Forget smoke on the water – this is vog on the sunglint as a volcano's smoky fumes are captured in a stunning image from space

Ice-age animals live on in Eurasian mountain range

THIS WEEK:  11:53 23 January 2014

The mammal communities found today in the Altai-Sayan mountains are remarkably similar to those that existed across Eurasia in the last ice age

Latest European climate targets may never be met

TODAY:  17:24 22 January 2014

Europe has proposed fresh targets for cutting its greenhouse gas emissions between now and 2030, but it is unclear how they will be enforced

Germany's energy revolution on verge of collapse

TODAY:  12:42 22 January 2014

Coal burning is at a 20-year high and subsidies for renewable energy are about to be slashed – yet Germany swears it will cut greenhouse gas emissions

Made in China: Up to a quarter of California smog

TODAY:  14:01 21 January 2014

The US has outsourced many of its production lines to China and, in return, global winds are exporting the Chinese factories' pollution right back to the US

The architecture of density: Life in a megacity

APERTURE:  12:00 21 January 2014

Densely populated Hong Kong has the most skyscrapers of any city in the world. Photojournalist Michael Wolf shows them in a different light

Politics is key to saving Africa's forest elephants

INTERVIEW:  09:00 21 January 2014

Violent unrest in the Central African Republic is the latest blow to efforts to save the region's forest elephants, says biologist Andrea Turkalo

AD 536: The year that winter never ended

FEATURE:  14:00 20 January 2014

In the year 536 the sun dimmed and the world shivered, leading to famine, plague and the fall of empires. New clues point to an double-whammy apocalypse

Spare Africa the ravages of its native oil palm

COMMENT:  08:00 20 January 2014

Oil-palm cultivation has wrecked habitats in South-East Asia. We must avoid a rerun if the crop takes off in its native Africa, says Curtis Abraham

Devastating El Niño events to double this century

TODAY:  18:00 19 January 2014

Extreme El Niño events that could kill tens of thousands of people will become twice as common because of climate change

Long-lost lake may have helped humans out of Africa

TODAY:  18:26 17 January 2014

A 45,000-square-kilometre lake, which has long since dried up, was at the right place at the right time for key migrations in the history of our species

Record poaching pushes rhinos towards extinction

TODAY:  18:16 17 January 2014

More than 1000 rhinos were poached in South Africa last year – at this rate deaths could soon outnumber births, threatening a population crash


Orca invasion: Killer whales in a warmer world

Invasion of the bowhead snatchers <i>(Image: Flip Nicklin/Minden Pictures/FLPA)</i>

03:38 02 April 2012

As the sea ice recedes in Hudson Bay, killer whales are moving in for a feast. Are they eating the Inuit people's lunch?


Climate migration is a solution, not desperation

Leaving can be an adaptive strategy <I>(Image: Alessandro Grassani/LUZphoto. For more photos in this series <a href="" target="ns">click here</a>)</I>

09:37 04 April 2012

Rather than being the final resort, migration is a key tactic in the human response to climate change, argues a leading geographer



The coming flood: Explore the future's rising seas

As the world warms, sea level will rise – but faster in some places than others. These simulations provide the best view yet of probable regional variation over the coming decades
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Your warming world: Explore our interactive map

Find out how temperatures are changing in your backyard with our interactive map of NASA's historical temperature record for the whole planet
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Wetter times are coming <i>(Image: Will Ferguson)</i>

Solar-powered desalination will transform Navajo life

A scheme in Arizona using solar energy to power a water desalination plant aims to bring running water to thousands of people
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