Norm Ivey

Helpful votes received on reviews: 93% (26 of 28)


Top Reviewer Ranking: 437,778 - Total Helpful Votes: 26 of 28
0.5 W Fail-Safe Long Range FM Transmitter - CZH-05&hellip by F-S Electronics
2 of 2 people found the following review helpful:
I have a synchronized Christmas light display. I have been using the Whole House Transmitter for the last 3 years, but it fades out by the time you reach the house next door. I just got the CZH-05B, plugged it in, queued up my Elvis playlist and went for a ride around the neighborhood. I could still hear the King from about a half mile down the road. This is more like a real instrument while the Whole House Transmitter is like a child's toy. (Remember that crappy set of walkie-talkies you got for Christmas as a kid? The WHT is like that). For nearly the same price, this is far, far, better.
Satechi SP400 Smart-Pointer (Silver) 2.4Ghz RF Wir&hellip by Satechi
9 of 9 people found the following review helpful:
5.0 out of 5 stars Whoa., September 1, 2009
I have a Targus presenter that I use in my 6th grade science classroom. It uses line-of-sight technology, and if you've ever been in a sixth grade classroom, you know that line of sight is constantly changing. I needed something more reliable.

This presenter is incredible. The mouse responds at a nice speed--it doesn't creep along like some presenters. The range? Well, I set up a PowerPoint in my office, and then went downstairs to get a drink. I took the presenter with me and clicked off a couple of pages just to see if it worked. Whoa. (That means it worked.) It feels like it will be sturdy enough to stand up to my students using it, but I may have to get back to you on… Read more
Birds of the Carolinas Audio CDs: Companion to Bir&hellip by Stan Tekiela
2 of 2 people found the following review helpful:
4.0 out of 5 stars Bird Watcher's Delight, June 8, 2009
This pair of CDsis useful for identifying common birds in the Carolinas. In just a few hours' use, I have identified a number of birds in my own backyard just from their songs.

My one complaint--I loaded the files onto my mp3 player to use while hiking. Disc 2 did not have the names of the birds as the file names. Instead, the tracks were identified as "Track 1", "Track 2", etc. Disc 1 did have all the tracks labeled. A small thing, but it made locating a file on disc 2 slightly more difficult until I entered the names manually.

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