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8 of 8 people found the following review helpful
4.0 out of 5 stars New Jack Johnson Fan
A friend clued me into this Hawaiian son's style and I have to say, I didn't give him much thought at first. I loved the voice but the particular song he had me listen to just didn't stick with me.

A recent road trip required hours of good music and I decided to pick up Jack's CD 1) because it was on sale, and 2) I thought it was funny all of his albums had...
Published on January 27, 2006 by lsg

11 of 13 people found the following review helpful
3.0 out of 5 stars Great Beach Music
This album is one of my favorites from Jack Johnson. My 2 1/2 old daughter also loves singing to it.

It is great music to listen to and relax while doing household chores, cooking etc... It just puts you in such a happy and relaxed mood. My favorite time to play it is when we're staying at the beach. I highly recommend it..
Published on January 30, 2006 by J. Witherspoon

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8 of 8 people found the following review helpful
4.0 out of 5 stars New Jack Johnson Fan, January 27, 2006
lsg (South Florida) - See all my reviews
This review is from: In Between Dreams (Audio CD)
A friend clued me into this Hawaiian son's style and I have to say, I didn't give him much thought at first. I loved the voice but the particular song he had me listen to just didn't stick with me.

A recent road trip required hours of good music and I decided to pick up Jack's CD 1) because it was on sale, and 2) I thought it was funny all of his albums had silhouettes or partial glances of Jack, but none had his full face on the cover. This is a guy who is hiding, I thought. Maybe he will reveal himself though his music.

He definitely did.

The whole album is great, my favorite song is "Better Together" and I can't help but hum it as I drive to work in the morning. "Breakdown" also hits home with me. His sweet melodic voice is a change from the James Blunt ritual I had been following for weeks on end on my car's CD player, and his talents definitely transport me somewhere else. Which I think should be the whole point of music.

I am definitely going to buy other albums.
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7 of 7 people found the following review helpful
5.0 out of 5 stars I am back to buying albums because of Jack Johnson, October 5, 2005
This review is from: In Between Dreams (Audio CD)
Being a devoted iPod user, I had gotten away from buying entire albums. I would download a single song here and there but feel no real need to buy the entire album. This CD has changed that for me. I started with his first single Sitting, Waiting, Wishing and then slowly added more and more song from the album. It is a wonderful CD with music that is mellow, fun, romantic and in general, just enjoyable. What I like best about his music is that it can be all of those things without being sappy, boring or repetitive. He has a wonderful style to him and his voice is a pleasure to listen to. I look forward to his next CD!
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6 of 6 people found the following review helpful
5.0 out of 5 stars It's art to me, October 12, 2005
Amazon Verified Purchase(What's this?)
This review is from: In Between Dreams (Audio CD)
I like this album more the more I listen. The lyrics and the music work together in the way that tells me they came from straight from the writer's right brain. I guess this is so, because I feel transported when I listen. You need both the lyrics and the music to be inspired to have a powerful work that can really move, and this album does that for me.

All the tracks are good. There is not a bad track on this album. I am happy to whole-heartedly support this artist.
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6 of 6 people found the following review helpful
5.0 out of 5 stars Three for Three, March 7, 2005
Amazon Verified Purchase(What's this?)
This review is from: In Between Dreams (Audio CD)
Another unbelievable treasure from Jack. I've been a fan only since the debut of his first album, Brushfire Fairytales. I'm sure there are fans who followed him for years before the debut, but being from Connecticut I guess I was out of the loop.

A friend of mine complained that this album sounded too much like his first two efforts. I say why change? I'm the biggest AC/DC fan on the planet (and I like Jack?) and they haven't changed their style or sound in thirty years. What has it gotten them? A trip to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and the utmost respect from rock legends around the world. Jack will be there, someday, too. I knew from the cathcy first song that this would be a winner, and I was right. Sticking to your guns and playing what you feel is the key to success. The only sad thing for me is the entire 11 song album is only 41 minutes. I need more and hope it doesn't take a couple of more years for his fourth effort.

Basically, if you liked JJ before, you'll love him still. Only if you're hoping for something "different" will you be disappointed. I say buy!
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6 of 6 people found the following review helpful
5.0 out of 5 stars Summer Sessions, March 8, 2006
This review is from: In Between Dreams (Audio CD)
There is no quesiton in my mind about the rating of this album if i could go above 5 stars i would!

I first heard of Jack Johnson back in 2003, i bought his previous albums Brushfire Fairytales and On and On, i must add these are eqaully as good, possibly go as far as to say On and On has the edge.

But back to I.B.D, there is not one track that needs to be skipped. Each track i find takes you someplace you want to go, may have been or reminds you of a memory. Constellations,If I Could, No Other Way, and of course Breakdown are major highlights. I advise anyone to purchase his DVD Weekend At the Greek, to hear some truly inspirational sit ins with ALO(Animal Liberation Orchestra).

Jack Johnson i think is one of the rare artists that seem to be able to really paint a picture in ur mind. And i mean a clear vivid image. Its the ultimate chill out album for barbys on the beach! followd by a surf. If theres one artist to look out for in the future Jack Johnson will be it. I advise you to buy all his albums i can only think of one average song..and thats not even worth a skip!

Enjoy the Ride!

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6 of 6 people found the following review helpful
5.0 out of 5 stars Wow, February 13, 2006
A Kid's Review
This review is from: In Between Dreams (Audio CD)
First off, I'm into metal (thrash, experimental, math and death metal to be exact)... but for some reason when I heard Jack Johnson I fell in love with him. Every song is great. Definately recommend to buy no matter what type of music you like... very enjoyable and peaceful (a little change from the constant screaming and pounding drums in my case).
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11 of 13 people found the following review helpful
3.0 out of 5 stars Great Beach Music, January 30, 2006
This review is from: In Between Dreams (Audio CD)
This album is one of my favorites from Jack Johnson. My 2 1/2 old daughter also loves singing to it.

It is great music to listen to and relax while doing household chores, cooking etc... It just puts you in such a happy and relaxed mood. My favorite time to play it is when we're staying at the beach. I highly recommend it..
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8 of 9 people found the following review helpful
4.0 out of 5 stars Ditch your expectations, Understand who jack is, and BE HAPPY, December 9, 2005
This review is from: In Between Dreams (Audio CD)
This music is too mellow, simplistic, shallow, unchanging, etc.

These criticisms are the bulk of negative comments regarding Jack Johnson's Music. I would say that most people who feel this way do so because they listen with unrealistic expectations and lack a general understanding of who Jack really is. This is unfortunate. Jack makes no misrepresentations about who he is, what he believes, and how he wants to make music.

Jacks music IS mellow, with earthy, striped down instrumentation, an overall uniform sound and lyrics that are simple yet thoughtful. There is no reason to expect otherwise. He never released a tricky single that had a sound completely off pace with that of the album. He has never drastically changed his sound (why anyone remotely familiar with Hawaii's laid back lifestyle would expect a drastic overhaul or "progression" I'll never understand). The cover of this album depicts a silhouette of Jack, with guitar in hand, standing next to a tree. Please note that he is not standing on a molten pentagram holding a flying v electric guitar and wearing solid black, nor is he sitting on the hood of a Ferrari, sporting gold chains and a wifebeater. Jack is not fronting.

Yet people still complain that Jack is too mellow. Maybe that's because they really don't want to listen to something mellow. Music has a time and a place. I don't listen to Jack when I have to get going, just like I don't listen to slayer when I want to relax. If you're searching for overly technical guitar, listen to Dream Theatre. If you want deeper lyrics, listen to Wilco. If you want mellow, straightforward, happy, and even family friendly music, give Jack a shot. He'll more than likely give you what you want. I spend a lot of time relaxing and a lot of time outdoors and during these times Jack's music just seems to fit.

Some people can't identify with a surfer from Hawaii, who probably has more reasons to be happy than we do. This is normal. He grew up surrounded by natural beauty most of us can only dream of and it reflects in his music. However, don't fault Jacks Music just because it doesn't fit your current mood or lifestyle. Just find something else that does.
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5 of 5 people found the following review helpful
5.0 out of 5 stars One of the Great Lyricists, November 9, 2006
Ty "Ty" (Columbia, South Carolina) - See all my reviews
This review is from: In Between Dreams (Audio CD)
Jack Johnson is one of the best song writers out in the world of music where catchy phrases and lack of musical variety rule the world of music its good to hear something that tells a story and leaves something with the listener. With his great guitar Jack Johnson has no paricular genre but great music. Although his songs start to get bland after listening to them a while Jack Johnson changes up things with songs like Belle,Good People,and Sitting,Waiting,Wishing. This is probably one of the best albums I've bought in years, and with its great melodies and great lyrics it'll have you reciting the words at your desk at work in no time.
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5 of 5 people found the following review helpful
5.0 out of 5 stars Incredible talent and variety, November 3, 2006
J. Huber (Cincinnati, OH) - See all my reviews
This review is from: In Between Dreams (Audio CD)
This CD is the best I've heard from Jack Johnson. Even though Jack's talent on guitar and vocals is clear in everything he does, this CD offers a variety of tunes unmatched by anything else he has done. Definitely his #1 offering
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