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12 of 12 people found the following review helpful
5.0 out of 5 stars Best. Chess. Team. Book. EVER!!!, September 25, 2013
D. T. Haddrill (Perth, Australia) - See all my reviews
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This review is from: Omega (A Jack Sigler Thriller) (Kindle Edition)
I am utterly speechless having finished this book! It was amazing!!! You would never expect where it takes you (well, I certainly didn't), and I'm thrilled to hear that Jeremy Robinson will continue to write more Chess Team adventures, as this one really wrapped up the storylines of the previous books. I've always loved Rook and his sense of humour, but this time around, Jack and Alexander win the comedy award; many of their scenes together reminiscent of a good buddy cop movie. I can honestly say that this was the BEST Chess Team book so far - the only one to make me laugh, cry and have to remind myself to breathe. Awesome awesome work, Mr Robinson and Mr Gilmour - just awesome!!!!
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6 of 6 people found the following review helpful
5.0 out of 5 stars Ridley Cycle comes full cirle, October 5, 2013
M. D. Pinto (Southern Illinois, USA) - See all my reviews
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This review is from: Omega (A Jack Sigler Thriller) (Kindle Edition)
I don't know how Robinson and Gilmour do it, but I suspect they eat a lot of spicy,s rich food late at night then sleep-write their digestive dreams mining each nightmare aspect for inspiration. The boys do believe in making the worst possible thing happen at the worst possible time. Add that inspiration to the writing craft they have developed and their intimate knowledge of the characters and the outcome gets better and better with each release.

Now, the question is: What's up next for the Chess Team?
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5 of 5 people found the following review helpful
5.0 out of 5 stars YOWZERS!, September 24, 2013
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This review is from: Omega (A Jack Sigler Thriller) (Kindle Edition)
Grab your britches and hold on! The Chess team is back and more kick ass and awesome than ever! Reunited and taking care of business with guns (of course), old bad guys, newer bad guys and golems. NOT the LOTR kind either. No these boys are WAY worse! And if I say love story? Well, it's not your typical story but it's no less moving! This book is COLOSSAL!!!
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4 of 4 people found the following review helpful
5.0 out of 5 stars Couldn't put it down!, September 24, 2013
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This review is from: Omega (A Jack Sigler Thriller) (Kindle Edition)
Just when you think you know where the series is headed Jeremy throws you a curve ball! This book has everything we all love about the chess team books and even an Easter egg! Can't wait to see where he takes the series next!
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3 of 3 people found the following review helpful
5.0 out of 5 stars Need more stars, October 23, 2013
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This review is from: Omega (A Jack Sigler Thriller) (Kindle Edition)
What more can I say from the other reviews. I have never seen so many 5 star reviews, so I think its time Amazon put up a 6th star and the 6th star shall be called the Robinson star.
I do agree that this is one of the best, if not the best, book in the series. While I was first taken aback by the time two storylines since it is so similar to another phenomenal book, it worked well here and I found it very interesting how it all came together. I also suspect all those years that the story skipped over is just fresh fodder for many more books.
The bar is set very high for future books.
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2 of 2 people found the following review helpful
5.0 out of 5 stars A fitting end to a great series, November 7, 2013
This review is from: Omega (A Jack Sigler Thriller) (Kindle Edition)
I have read and enjoyed all the other Chess Team books previously, but this one was more than even I expected. Without going into the particulars and ruining some of the many surprises, this book ties up all the loose ends and brings this exciting series to a satisfying conclusion. The fast paced action grabs immediately and continues to the very exciting ending. Can't wait for the next one.
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2 of 2 people found the following review helpful
5.0 out of 5 stars Chess Team RULES!, October 31, 2013
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This review is from: Omega (A Jack Sigler Thriller) (Kindle Edition)
Absolutely my favorite series! The books get better and better. I can't wait to see where the team goes from here. The action in this book is non-stop. The twists come at you the whole book. Nobody writes action like Jeremy Robinson and Kane Gilmour! This was match made in Heaven. It's like peanut butter and jelly, wings and beer or a gun and bullets. I can't recommend this book enough!
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2 of 2 people found the following review helpful
5.0 out of 5 stars Well worth your time and money - another great book, October 9, 2013
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This review is from: Omega (A Jack Sigler Thriller) (Kindle Edition)
"Omega" is the latest offering from Jeremy Robinson in his popular Jack Sigler (Chess Team) series. Before starting the book, I thought I had read somewhere that this would be the last book in the series, but apparently that is not the case. And that will delight most fans, because this book is as good as any other in the series. This one picks up after the events of "Ragnarock" and move the reader towards what could be a final ending (although in the afterward, Robinson mentions that the series will continue). Robinson answers some questions throughout this book - questions that the reader has been silently pondering since reading the other stories in the series. He also starts to knit together all of those novellas as he ties them into this larger story.
I found myself wondering how long Robinson had been planning this book as certain elements are revealed. It makes you wonder if he knew this is where he wanted to eventually end up, even before he started writing "Pulse".
The book is full of action. The book is loaded with a deeper sense of understanding of the characters and their relationships with each other. The book has some twists, turns, and big reveals. But most of all, the book is just really fun. I can't tell you how many series that I've read that started good only to fizzle out towards the conclusion. Robinson and Gilmour deliver a book that completely satisfies and could equally be a solid end to the series or a springboard into more adventures.
4.5 out of 5. Worth every penny of your hard earned dollars.
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2 of 2 people found the following review helpful
5.0 out of 5 stars The team of Robinson and Gilour is POWERFUL!, October 8, 2013
Jeremy Robinson and Kane Gilmour
OMEGA is not just an adrenaline rush, it is a hypodermic surge straight to the heart. Robinson and Gilmour have teamed up to write a blistering thriller set in Carthage, Tunisia--in two different millennia!
The Chess Team will fight its greatest battle against two foes that may just be unbeatable. Richard Ridley is nearly immortal due to having an understanding of the Mother Tongue. If he can find and release the contents of the Chest of Adoon, there will be no stopping him from maniacal destruction and world domination. Their other foe is Alexander (Hercules): the son of Zeus--born an immortal--and living in the twenty-first century.
Asya, call-sign Pawn, King's sister, accompanies him and the team to Ridley's Omega laboratory in Carthage to free their parents from their captor, Hercules. During a fight, Asya watches Hercules grab King and pull him into a vortex, killing himself and King.
The rest of the team, under the leadership of Queen, must overcome the loss of their leader and try to fight and stop the unstoppable Ridley. While this is happening in the now, King and Hercules are in Carthage, in a distant past, fighting a battle of the heart. King doesn't know it yet, but he is about to write history.
The collaboration of Robinson and Gilmour results in a complex, character-driven thriller with some science fiction and fantasy thrown in. There are references to past Chess Team adventures and reading them first might help a newbie, but it's not necessary. OMEGA can stand on its own, much like the Colossus of Rhodes.
I am a huge Chess Team fan, and OMEGA tops them all!
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1 of 1 people found the following review helpful
5.0 out of 5 stars Well done..., February 3, 2014
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This review is from: Omega (A Jack Sigler Thriller) (Kindle Edition)
I've read all of the Jack Sigler novels and haven't been disappointed yet. King and the Chess team take another fast action ride against their nemesis in this 6th book of the Chess team. The book was action packed from cover to cover. I look forward to future books of Jack Sigler. Especially since Jack's character in this recent book has "history" in his back pocket. I can't wait to see how Jeremy exploits that "Easter egg."
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