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IMDbTV's Weekend Picks

The Last Ship The Strain Masters of Sex Salem

"The Last Ship" Days after a trying series of events at Gitmo, Chandler and his crew are put under extreme duress when the ship’s propulsion system suffers a catastrophic event. (TNT, 9pm Sunday - new)

"Ray Donovan" When the head of the Los Angeles FBI learns that Ray and Mickey were part of the killing of Sully Sullivan he demands that Ray bring his father in. (Showtime, 9pm Sunday - season premiere)

"The Strain" When a plane lands in New York City with everyone on board dead, the CDC's Canary Project is called upon to investigate. Harlem pawnbroker Abraham Setrakian races to the airport, convinced that this is the beginning of something infinitely more sinister. (FX, 10pm Sunday - series premiere)

"True Blood" Sookie enlists a band of vampires and humans to track down the H-Vamps. (HBO, 9pm Sunday - new)

"Masters of Sex" The ramifications of Masters’ disastrous presentation continue to ripple beyond his firing from Maternity Hospital, and Virginia must fight off the advances stemming from the rumor that she was the woman in the film. (Showtime, 10pm Sunday - season premiere)

"Salem" Alden learns Mary's biggest secret, and Mary discovers a new one of her own. (WGN America, 10pm Sunday - season finale)

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NBC has busted out its weapon of choice. The network announced that it has cast Oscar winner Christopher Walken as Captain Hook in its live musical production of Peter Pan, which will air Dec. 4. "Funny, right?" NBC Chairman Bob Greenblatt said at the Television Critics See more »


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