

Sea of selfies – social media's monoculture threat

REVIEW:  17:40 11 August 2014

Social media's just fun, right? No, says a new art exhibition: tweets and selfies are creating monoculture, an online equivalent to crops like rape seed

My recreational drugs can defeat organised crime

INTERVIEW:  11:00 11 August 2014

Anonymous drug designer Dr Z says prohibitionist policies don't work. Instead, we should provide legal mind-altering drugs to improve society

Who's driving? Autonomous vehicles have a problem

LEADER:  16:00 09 August 2014

There's a strong case to be made for remotely piloted planes and self-driving cars – but letting a machine drive flies in the face of human nature

I won the Nobel by experimenting on myself

INTERVIEW:  12:00 09 August 2014

Barry Marshall experimented on himself to prove that H. pylori causes stomach ulcers and he won a Nobel prize. But what if the bug has a good side?

What it's like to fly passenger planes from the ground

INTERVIEW:  22:00 07 August 2014

Bob Fraser explains what it feels like to pilot a Jetstream airliner containing passengers on 800-kilometre trips from a desk

What to do when the power goes out in Antarctica

INTERVIEW:  17:15 07 August 2014

It's winter at the South Pole, and last week the power went out at the Halley Research Station. Base commander John Eager tells how the team coped with the -55 °C

Discharging Ebola survivors makes the pain worthwhile

INTERVIEW:  22:00 06 August 2014

As well as a flood of patients, the only working Ebola treatment centre in Sierra Leone has to deal with rumours of organ harvesting, says doctor Anja Wolz

Cool your jets: NASA's quantum spaceship is doubtful

COMMENT:  14:58 06 August 2014

A research paper suggesting the possibility of a futuristic spaceship engine is most likely the result of an experimental error, says Phil Plait

Are we thinking about OCD backwards?

THE BIG IDEA:  20:00 05 August 2014

Everyone knows that thoughts cause actions which cause habits. What if this is the wrong way round, asks psychologist Claire Gillan

Leopards can be good neighbours in Mumbai

INTERVIEW:  14:00 04 August 2014

Mumbai residents really can coexist with the secretive big cats – they just need to understand their ways, says ecologist Vidya Athreya


Will intensified farming save the rainforests?

Relieving pressure on the rainforest? (Image: <a href="http://www.shutterstock.com/">shutterstock.com</a>)

The idea that you can save the natural world by increasing the efficiency of agriculture is very appealing. But Fred Pearce is far from convinced


The Frankenstein syndrome: Why fear making humans?

Frankenstein's monster was stripped of his intelligence in film and theatre versions (Image: Hulton/Getty)

From IVF to artificial wombs, why does each advance in reproductive technology still conjure up visions of monsters or Hitler clones, asks Philip Ball



Feedback: Such lightness with their fear

FEEDBACK:  12:00 08 August 2014

Cleanse a foul infected world, where the pestilence did reign, the powdering tub of alcoholic infamy, and more


David de Rothschild: At sea in a soda-bottle boatMovie Camera

The eco-adventurer is raising awareness of our damaged oceans by crossing the Pacific on a boat made of soda bottles


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