Uncover Missoula Uncover Missoula
  • Missoula
    Art and Musical Groups

    Looking for something new and exciting to do in Missoula? You won't want to pass this section up. It lists everything from Festival of the Dead to the String Orchestra of the Rockies.

  • Pocketbook Matters
    Pocketbook Matters

    If you just moved to Missoula this section will come in handy! It lists all the local utilites, media and transportation information you need to get started. It will even help you find a job too!

  • Living in Missoula
    Living in

    This incredible resource center is packed with helpful information! Need childcare? It's here. Looking for information about health care services? It's here. This is one section you'll use over and over again.

2013 UnCover MissoulaWelcome to the 2013 edition of Uncover Missoula. This is the 26th year the Missoulian has published this guide to the community's resources and nonprofit organizations.

It's not an exaggeration to say that Missoula works largely thanks to the efforts of its nonprofit organizations. Uncover Missoula is meant as an introduction to the work of those groups.

It's also meant as an introduction to Missoula's array of resources – from organizations meant to help you get and stay healthy to child care centers.

Uncover also is published online and can be accessed at the Missoulian's Web site, www.missoulian.com.

Telephone numbers, addresses and contact people are subject to change, so it's possible that some of the information in this guide will be outdated by year's end. If we receive updated information on any of the listings here during the year,we'll update it first on the website.

Uncover was compiled by Tandy Khameneh.

For questions about Uncover, call Tandy Khameneh in the newsroom at 523-5240, e-mail newsdesk@missoulian.com or write to Uncover Missoula, in care of the Missoulian, P.O. Box 8029, Missoula, MT 59807.