Damien Caro's Blog

Cloud today and tomorrow !

January, 2013

  • System Center 2012 SP1

      +    The long awaited System Center 2012 Service Pack 1 is now available ! You can freely download it from here : http://technet.microsoft.com/en-US/evalcenter/hh505660.aspx   Don’t forget to also download the evaluation of Windows...
  • Technet documentation in a PDF file

    Who has never dreamed of reading a rather long article on Technet on his (or her) tablet ? Who has never tried to print the same article and find the result disappointing ? Technet Library is evolving You may have identified the change but for a few weeks...
  • You, the System Center and the IaaS

    In a previous post , we talked about how you can move a VM from your Hyper-V Server to Windows Azure using the IaaS service. In this article, we'll see how System Center allows to automate and delegate this rather painfull operation. Before we start,...
  • You, the VMs and the IaaS

      + There is a lot of literature on internet on how to create a Virtual Machine (VM) using Windows Azure but there is not so much when it comes to moving your Virtual Machines into Azure. The general idea around this approach is to allow you to take...
  • Happy new year !

    Last year has been very rich in term of news for the IT industry. We have launched System Center 2012, Windows Server 2012, SQL 2012 and just before the end of the year Windows Intune. Those three products are creating the foundation for a shift in the...