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  • Blog Post: Top 10 Topics for MSCOM Ops…Monitoring and Reporting (oh yeah!)

    This came in as the second most popular topic that you are interested in. Huh, imagine that. You actually have to report out to somebody on what the heck the environment that you manage is doing. So do we. Daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, yearly. Oh yeah we feel the same pain that you do. We took...
  • Blog Post: Is anyone watching the health of your Multi-tier Web Application?

    Do you know if each tier of your application is healthy? This is especially challenging when you have a multi-tier application (eg. web site, web service, and database). When there are problems on the Web site, you need to be able to quickly identify what tier is causing the problem. One of the...
  • Blog Post: I Just Want To Get My Code Into Production…Operations Can Be Your Best Friend

    Bugs? What bugs? My code doesn’t have any stinkin’ bugs!! Of course the testers may have a little different view than the developers. Hundred’s of developers furiously writing code and they all want to hit their release date. Operations also wants to make sure that the scheduled releases go off without...
  • Blog Post: MSCOM WebCast Morphed Into PodCast…A Great Idea From A TechEd2006 Customer

    While the Operations team was in Boston two weeks ago presenting at TechEd2006, a customer came up to chat with us. He had a great idea. He said, “I really liked the webcasts that MSCOM has done. I only wish that I could get the audio from those webcasts in a format that I could listen...
  • Blog Post: Keeping Track of Database Capacity -- Monitoring and Planning

    As a DBA at MSCOM, I'm often asked how long our servers have before they run out of disk space. This is also one of the toughest questions we get. Any estimate depends on having a good forecast for user traffic and data volumes and even considering database internals like, when will index trees need...
  • Blog Post: Engineering Operations Forum Is Now LIVE!!

    We are pleased to announce that the Engineering Operations Forum is now live on TechNet. Come join us in discussions that are focused on Engineering Operations. Ask questions, give us your insights, help us build the community of folks that are engaged in real-world systems engineering...
  • Blog Post: MSCOM WebCast Week…Q & A (Part 4) Monitor and Manage an Enterprise Platform with Operations

    The webcast series started with High Availability Architecture, Configuration Management of Web Farms and Change and Release Management of Web Farms. We told you about our architecture how we script and manage configurations, and how we partner with various teams to get the bits into production. Thursday...