
We are the operations team that runs the sites.

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  • Blog Post: Performance – Its like an Onion

    No, not because it stinks; not because it brings tears to your eyes; but because performance has layers. This is the first of a series of articles dealing with the layers of the performance onion. Hopefully they will be valuable to System Admins and also Content Providers in getting a better understanding...
  • Blog Post: Pour Liquid Nitrogen On Your Ballooning Content…Dynamic Compression in IIS7.0

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  • Blog Post: Application Performance Testing at MSCOM

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  • Blog Post: Imaginary Content - No Really!

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  • Blog Post: Operations Performance Analysis of IIS 7.0/Windows Server 2008

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  • Blog Post: Scaling Your Windows...and other TCP/IP Enhancements in Windows Vista/Longhorn

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  • Blog Post: Gardening (on the Web Server)

    While some people are born with a green thumb, others of us have the brown thumb that comes from working to get a garden to grow. While we dream of sweet fruits and crisp, fresh vegetables, sometimes all we get for our troubles is dirt under our fingernails. There is a feature in IIS6 that can have similar...