Did you know?

principles of the Rukun Negara amongst Malaysian users.

'Klik Dengan Bijak' is the programme designed to inculcate the culture of positive use of the Internet that is based on the 


The National Postal Strategy sets out a roadmap for the Malaysian postal and courier sector 

The logo or tagline used serves as a reminder to users to be careful and to think before they access and use the Internet.

to maintain the relevance of the sector in the overall development of the nation.

Register of Assignments

Magic Map

What to know what's around you? Check out Magic Map

Event Calendar

  • MCMC
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  • Public Holidays

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It is the quality of the human capital that will determine if we can meet our aspirations of achieving a high value, and high income, economy by 2020. As we progress towards becoming a developed nation, we must do our part to equip fellow Malaysians with the skills and knowledge to succeed as a productive member of the knowledge-led economy.

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The listed links are for MCMC Staff ONLY


Malaysians are now more exposed to the various media platforms than in previous years. As the authority and custodian of the Communications and Multimedia Act 1998, Postal Services Act 2001 and Digital Signature Act 1997, the Commission’s functions and responsibilities are becoming increasingly more apparent and significant.

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