
The Comprehensive Agriculture and Rural Development-Facility (CARD-F) is one of the key agricultural and rural development programs of the Government of Islamic Republic of Afghanistan (GoIRA). CARD-F aims to increase employment, income and business opportunities for rural masses through the design, facilitation and implementation of commercially viable agricultural value chains supplemented with rural infrastructure projects in the target provinces of Afghanistan.

As a model of cross-ministry collaboration, CARD-F is governed by an Inter-Ministerial Committee (IMC) that consists of the Ministry of Agriculture, Irrigation and Livestock, the Ministry of Rural Rehabilitation and Development, the Ministry of Counter Narcotics and the Ministry of Finance.

Funded by the UK Department of International Development (DFID) and Danish Fund (DANIDA), CARD-F provides needs-based support and services to facilitate growth in legal rural income and employment by providing alternative livelihood opportunities.

Contact Details:

Ministry of Agriculture, Irrigation, and Livestock compound, Jamal Mena, Kart-e-Sakhi, Kabul, Afghanistan