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Programs and Services

Whether you are just embarking on a scouting mission, or ready to launch a full bootstrapping program, looking for someone to work with your management on hot-button issues, or simply looking for a motivational speaker for your next event, the Bootstrap Institute offers a full range of programs and services to meet your needs.



Presentations and Talks

Bring Doug Engelbart's insights into your next industry conference or private event. Special arrangements can also be made for a half-day, full-day, or multi-day seminar at your own corporate facilities. Topics will be selected and tailored to the specific interests and concerns of your audience.

Sample Organizational Topics

Sample Technical Topics


Bootstrap Seminars

Boosting Collective IQ

This is a new seminar developed by Doug Engelbart around his "Bootstrap Paradigm Map", an animated guided tour through some of the critical paradigm shifts that organizations must go through in order to transform into high-performing organizations. Includes strategic approach, guiding principles, and new evolutionary practices. This can be a 2-hour, 4-hour, or all day seminar, depending on the needs and interests of the audience.

A Comprehensive Strategy for Bootstrapping Organizations into the 21st Century

This a 3-day management seminar developed by Doug Engelbart at Stanford University. This intensive program includes lecture, slides, movies, guest speakers, in-depth discussion, and convivial meals, with Engelbart's candid anecdotal experiences woven throughout.

Program Highlights

Who Should Attend?

Managers and executives concerned with strategic planning, product R&D; and marketing, or deployment of comprehensive improvement programs, such as:


Bootstrap Expeditions

Companies interested in seriously assessing or testing these strategies can enroll in a Bootstrap Expedition. This unique program, led by Engelbart and his crew, explores the uncharted frontier of high-performance knowledge work. The entire Expedition is conducted online in an advanced pilot environment. The Expedition Team members experience first-hand the human-tool requirements for supporting wide-area collaboration online. Paradigm shifts, human-tool co-evolution, and special deployment strategies are an integral part of the program. This intensive hands-on Bootstrap Expedition represents a cost-effective high-leverage vehicle for exploration and assessment.



Improvement Strategies: Doug Engelbart will work with your strategic planners on a comprehensive vision and pragmatic investment strategy for your company's long-term internal improvement program.

Information Systems Design: Doug Engelbart will work with your advanced research developers and product marketing managers on a long-term vision of high-leverage products and services, as well as giving valuable design-review feedback on current R&D; efforts.

End-User Integration: Doug Engelbart will work with your info-systems and work-process implementers on a long-term vendor-independent vision, including usage requirements, distributed integrated architectures, and new strategies for pilot implementation and deployment.


Collaborative Alliances

The Bootstrap Institute is working closely with industry and government to launch a collaborative implementation of these strategic concepts. This Alliance will:


Research & Development

The Bootstrap Institute has recently been funded for some exciting R&D; work, including developing a graphical user interface for Augment (first-generation OHS), porting Augment onto a UNIX server, and developing scenario-based demonstrations of applicability in distributed collaborative software engineering, as well as command and control. We are in parallel proposing to build a next-generation OHS prototype as an exploratory vehicle for participating organizations to launch a variety of pilot applications, as well as expanding our R&D; efforts into best practices for online knowledge work, and developing high-performance teams.


Bootstrap Institute

6505 Kaiser Drive, Fremont CA 94555
Phone: 510-713-3550 Fax: 510-792-3506 Email:

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