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Last update: 7th February, 1996
This page is a collection of advertisements for OS/2 related products and services. Organisations or individuals wishing to advertise here can do so by sending the relevant details to jon seymour. There is presently no charge for this service. If you have a strip graphic of up to 80 pixels high that can be used to brighten up the presentation, send that along too!

Frankson Information Management

12th November, 1995

Frankson Information Management is the authorised SDS distributor in Australia. SDS are the creators of Galactic Civilisations and the upcoming Object Desktop. Frankson is also the home of the Warp Confederacy - an alliance of OS/2 software distributors.

Arawak CD Solutions

12th November, 1995

Arawak are an OS/2 company whose services include OS/2 consulting and software sales. They also produce the Arawak OS/2 Shareware CD.

Quercus Systems

6th November, 1995

Quercus Systems is the developer of interpreters and related products for REXX in OS/2 (and other platforms), such as Personal REXX, REXXLIB, and REXXTERM.

Their pages have a lot of information that should be of use to OS/2 REXX programmers or, indeed, to REXX programmers in general.

SBT Information Systems

5th November, 1995

SBT Information Systems are Australian distributors of OS/2 applications, including: Remote Services Management PolyPM/2; Desktop Observatory and KidProof/2, ColorWorks for OS/2; InCharge.
contact Voytek Eymont
address SBT Information Systems Pty/Ltd.
44 Chippen Street
Chippendale NSW 2008
fax +61-2-310-1118

Partition Magic

9th September, 1995

Partition Magic is a product which helps you to dynamically re-partition your hard drive without having to reformat partitions. The link page contains some reviews about this product from users of the Warp Pharmacy.


9th September, 1995

MindWire is an online services platform that is being ported from Windows NT to OS/2 by AdeptSoft. Interested? Read on...

jon seymour
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