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| winter 97/98 | summer 97 |winter 96/97 | summer 96| previous |

Hello - I'm Puk Puk, Planet Dork's finest export. I will guide you through the fascinating world of W.& L.T. That means "Wild and lethal trash" - fashion on the wild side. But just say "W.& L.T.".

The New Winter Collection 1997/1998.
AVATAR - the fashion statement of the 21st century. From screen to life.
Click here to view exclusive backstage photos.

Summer 1997

Winter 96/97

Summer 96

Previous collections

Visit the fashion museum
in Marseille

Click on the text-buttons. But don't click on my little willy! I'm ticklish, and kinda shy. Kiss the future and have fun!

W.& L.T. is designed by Walter Van Beirendonck.
Released by Mustang.
Cybermanagement and webdesign by Medialab GmbH, Germany