>>iceflow>> a spring breakup of Canadian web art

supported by Apple Canada , the Canada Council and InterAccess
a programme of the Images Festival
curated by Tom Leonhardt and Camille Turner

The World Wide Web ... a new medium emerges as older media converge in the digital sphere, as computers transform into yet another information appliance, and as global communications networks spread and weave ever more densely together. >>iceflow>> is a snapshot, a chronicle of the role played by artists in developing the language of the Web and defining this new social space. Eight Web-specific works from individuals and groups across Canada are presented as part of >>iceflow>>. We invite you to explore the environments created by these artists, to consider how the work affects you and to participate in online discussions of the projects as well as the medium in general.
Dreamscapes digital eARTh
The "evolving" technical environment and limitations of the Web shape the ways we use it to communicate with each other. What are the characteristicsof the developing language and aesthetics of this interactive, interconnected, intermedia space?
Newmail Dreamed
The Web is both intimate and public, personal and anonymous. How do various techniques and approaches employed on the Web instill your sense ofengagement as viewer, audience and participant
The Love Money and Weather project Happyclown,Inc.
The Web supersedes the older centralized information models of publishing and broadcasting by encouraging participation rather than mere consumption. How can groups build information networks around communities of interest to create vibrant social spaces on the Web?
Threw the Read Window Imagining communities (bojagi)
Who uses the Web and how they relate to it is defined by economics, education, culture. As the reach of the Web spreads, how does its accessibility shape its role as a site for public discourse?