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Re: *FREE! Sun, March 23rd Performance of Culver Chamber Music

I do not apologize for inviting you all to the concert.  I am not Jocelyn,
but am a friend of hers who attended their last concert, which was
MAGNIFICENT!  Anyway,  I do apologize for not labelling in the subject line
that it was local to LA, and now that I've been told, I will do so, but
other than that, I do not apologize for inviting you.  I do not have a case
of LA-Centrism (I hate living in LA, FYI) but I have noticed that a number
of people on this list are in the LA area.  Also, I should note that at the
last concert, there were a number of attendees who heard about the concert
via e-mail and attended from quite a distance away (one flew in from TX, and
decided to come).  

I have suggested to Jocelyn to include "LA, CA area" somewhere in the
subject line (delete button to all those not interested).  I do not believe
that this is a waste for communications resources.  It, in fact, puts to
good use the technology available to reaches thousands for little/no money ,
and for all arts groups, funding is an important matter.  Also, a simple
"delete" is all that is needed to get rid of this message.  Had I snailed
mailed flyers to every person all the list (that would have been stupid),
then I would have killed a tree or two to do it.  

I am aware of the nature of the world wide aspect of this list... do I
complain when people talk about places to eat in San Jose (which I'm not
likely to visit, EVER)?!  

Thank you, Annie and John (and others) for your comments (see below), they
are very well put.  

At 02:05 AM 3/17/97 -0800, you wrote:
>Excuse me - but why are you sending an e-mail about an event that is only
>of interest to people in your own little corner of the world to people all
>over the world?
>You have such a case of LA-Centrisim that you did not even bother to mention
>either your town, state/province or country.
>Its about time you grow up and realize we don't care about your local events
>and you are talking to people on a list that are in cities and countries 
>throughout the world. Stop being so parochial.

>What a waste of communications resources!
>The most charitable interpretation is that there is a lack of awareness
>of the world-wide nature of the web-site.  A less charitable
>interpretation is that there is the view that no-one else counts!

>take a chill pill people!!!!!!!!!!
>the person who posted the announcement about the performance
>was simply extending an invitation 
>excuse me if i dont know where everyone on this list is from
>and if i send some sort of announcement inviting people on this list
>to attend an engagement that might be of interest to them 
>i would be quite annoyed at such an attack
>i doubt she assumed that everyone on this list is from la
>but perhaps she was just hoping that if someone was in that area
>he/she would like to attend

>On effective use of communication resource, let's also hope that our future
>displeasure may present itself in a less confrontational and more forgiving 
>manner, maybe? Vn-gblf prides itself as a group of people of good will, and,
>unsurprisingly, such atmosphere can only be established and maintained by 
>everyone's help.
>Best wishes,
>Vn-Gblf Admin

>My thanks to Jocelyn for her magnanimous gesture of inviting 
>us all to her concert.  Although I live in upstate NY and will be unable
>to attend, I somehow feel honored.  It's far away, but I do travel
>sometimes.  I enjoy reading these "event" notices.
>It is also a pleasure to see someone give to others in a spirit of
>as she has done.  Her act of kindness is not deserving of the 
>unfair comment that ensued.

>Thank you Jocyln for your invitation to the concert. I think the one who
>critized your generosity is the one who is narrowminded and selfish. I
>would suggest he/she take a good laxative. It is obviously what is
