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Re: Frank Talk on Gay Stereotypes

Khoa wrote:
" So why do some people on
this list still describe the gay community as a group of desperate people
lacking all self-respect?  I'm not asking anyone to condone stupid--and
possibly dangerous--behavior.  No one is.  What I *am* asking is that a
little more thought be given to why gay men (generally speaking) behave
the way they do.  It's not because they're gay, I'll tell you that,
because that's just a cowardly answer, an all to easy solution for one's
perceived problems.  It's the same argument fundamentalists use to
anti-gay campaigns.  We are bad because we are gay.  Bullshit,
people...bullshit.  I refuse to let my identity be summarily explained
by a label and yours or anybody else's perception of that label.  "

I don't think that I said gay men behave the way they do because they are
gay  -- again, read what I've stated on the original posting.  I stated
what activities/behaviors I observed, and, yes damn it, I labeled it as
being desperate and lacking self-respect.  How would you label it?  If a
straight person did the same thing, then he/she would be given the SAME
label  ---- duh!  What does being gay/straight have to do with what I've
said?!?  Your identity is your own and you can do what you want with it. 
But believe it or not, your identity as being a gay person is dependent
on what the gay community (i.e. gay men) is as a whole.

