Info for Youth
With Special Needs

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YouthPride is there for gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, and questioning youth between ages 13 and 24, and when we say that, we mean ALL youth, including youth with visual, hearing, or physical challenges. To find out what YouthPride can do for you, read below. More questions? Email or call 404-378-6175.

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Visually impaired

We understand that many of the pages on this web site may be difficult for you to read and so you may not be able to get the information you need. As a result, we are providing separate pages featuring the most important information. Pages are written in large type on white backgrounds. Formatting has been simplified so that reading programs can process the information. Follow the links below:

One thing that we know is very important is information on how to get to the YouthPride Center. Some visually impaired people may have transportation difficulties, such as the inability to drive. Others may need detailed directions for riding MARTA buses or trains. People who already know the MARTA system may simply need someone to guide or accompany them to the nearby MARTA transit station.

As a final note, two notes on YouthPride policy:

More questions? Email or call 404-378-6175.

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Hearing impaired

Although YouthPride has no specific provisions for the hearing impaired or the deaf, we welcome any any all GLBTQ youth between ages 13 and 24 to participate in YouthPride's activities.

Although YouthPride policy excludes heterosexual people from attending support group sessions more than once, hearing impaired people who require sign language interpreters will be allowed to keep their interpreters, whether they are GLBTQ or heterosexual.

More questions? Email or call 404-378-6175.

Want to see other resoures out there on the web? Luckily, there are quite a number:

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Physically challenged

GLBTQ youth who use wheelchairs or are otherwise physically challenged should know that the YouthPride Center is almost fully wheelchair accessible. The center is only one floor and the kitchen is accessed by a two-step stair. The main entrance to the center has a wide door and no step; the side entrance has a narrow door and a small step on the inside. The center's bathroom has a wide door, ample maneuvering space and a metal hand rail mounted on the wall.

One thing that we know is very important is information on how to get to the YouthPride Center. Some physically impaired people may have transportation difficulties, such as the inability to drive. Others may need detailed directions for riding MARTA buses, trains, paratransit service, which includes van pickup. People who already know the MARTA system may simply need someone to guide or accompany them to the nearby MARTA transit station. More questions? Email or call 404-378-6175.

For other special needs pages, go to Info. for Youth With Special Needs.

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