noodle - it's all in your head is a quarterly magazine about gay Asian and Pacific Islanders. Our editorial content includes vital information that is of importance and interest to Asian and Pacific Islander men. From health to entertainment, sex to politics, careers to relationship and fashion to fitness, noodle covers it all with a smart and sophisticated perspective.
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it's all in your head    
noodle welcomes unsolicited submissions of unpublished artwork, essays, interviews, photography, and reviews. New and unpublished writers are also encouraged to contribute. If you would like to pitch a story, please send us a query detailing your ideas, your background and experience, and sample writings (if available). Direct all inquiries via email to or call us at 415.202.8524.

noodle accepts contributions in the following areas:

Feature Length Articles and Interviews: 2000-3000 words. noodle seeks interviews, investigative features and lifestyle stories that will provide our readers with insights into some aspect of the gay Asian Diaspora. Please query with ideas before submitting interviews or articles. Work with our editor to find the appropriate tone and angle for each piece. noodle requires one time electronic and print publishing rights. Authors retain all other rights.

Editorials/Reviews/Humor/Short Essays: 500-1000 words. noodle endeavors to be the chronicle of our gay Asian experiences, concerns, struggles and aspirations. We offer opportunities for our readers and community members to share their observations, experiences, achievements, opinions and concerns. Please query our editor for details and go to our current Featurettes section for discussion issues. noodle requires one time electronic and print publishing rights. Authors retain all other rights.

Artwork, Illustrations & Photography: Artists and illustrators are needed for freelance assignments. Send a cover letter with sample artworks and illustrations. Works must be digitized or scannable. Please do not send originals.

noodle is currently building our photo stock library. Original art, fashion and photography from freelance photographers may be submitted in 35mm prints or in digital format (photo CDs with low and high resolution scans, etc.). We accept both color and black & white photos.

If you are interested in working with noodle on assignment basis, please send contact information and experience, and a sample of work to Art Director, noodle magazine, PO BOX 31028, San Francisco, CA 94131-0028, or email to (sample of work must be in PDF or JPG format). If your photograph is accepted, please provide model release forms for all models used. Photographer retains the rights to the pictures.

Models Wanted: If you turn heads and stop traffic, please send a cover letter detailing your contact information (full name, address, phone number, email, date of birth and how best to reach you) and a recent photo to or mail to Models, noodle magazine, PO BOX 31028, San Francisco, CA 94131-002. You must be 18 and older. If selected, we require a copy of your driver license and a completed model release form (provided by noodle).

Please send all queries in writing to noodle magazine, PO BOX 31028, San Francisco, CA 94131-0028, or email to or call 415.202.8524 for more info.

Send email submissions as attachments. Include your name, address and phone number on the cover page. Number your pages consecutively. Refer to the MLA Handbook for guidance.

DEADLINE DATE: All submission for the second issue must be received by November 20, 2002.

noodle - it's all in your head is a trademark of ML Productions
Copyright ©2002 ML Productions All rights reserved.
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