
ICQ: 41925993

Upcoming shows:
(in Toronto unless otherwise noted)

Velvet Revolver
May 21 (Kool Haus)
Hayden (w/ Sarah Harmer)
April 27 (Winter Garden Theatre
A Perfect Circle
April 22 (Ricoh Coliseum)

Virgo Horoscope
for 9/18/2003

Yes, you may have another cookie from the cookie jar today, dear Virgo. Enjoy it and don't feel guilty. Guilt is a useless emotion, and you should use this day to help rid yourself from all feelings of regret. Express your emotions but don't dwell on them. Let them go. Your sensitivity is extra acute, so make sure your psychic shield is up. You might find yourself picking up on the intense energy of others, so be careful. Sympathizing with others doesn't mean taking on their garbage. They need to take out the trash for themselves.

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adventures in geeKland...

September 11, 2003

10:16 PM

We've been in the house for almost a month now. I guess we must be fairly settled, cuz it feels much longer than that. I'm really happy here. I finally feel like there is room to move around. To actually do things rather than just sit amongst the clutter. My home, and by extension, my life doesn't feel so cluttered anymore.

It's been a wild three months. A major trip, Sean's and my engagement, deciding we want to buy house, buying said house and moving into it. It hardly feels real. I turned 25 on August 31st, and I still feel like a goofy 17 year old most of the time. Albeit a 17 year old with credit cards and the ability to buy liquor, lottery tickets and porn. But I don't feel as adult as my circumstances warrant, and I haven't yet decided if that's a good thing or not.

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