
This is a non-profit fansite with no copyright infringement intended. That said, if one of the copyright owners contacs me about anything that should be removed, I will certainly do that. Being a fan doesn't mean being a nuisance.

The dragon in the default layout comes from a freeware font set called "mythology one" digitized by Steven J. Lundeen from a collection of 19th century public domain woodcuts. Origins of other layout elements are described along other skin information (not available yet).

The graphics used on the buttons are pieces of John Howe's cover illustrations. Here are the conditions John Howe has set for using his artwork on web sites. I believe this site meets them.

The random quotes from the books have been gathered by me. Robin Hobb has given me the permission to use them (on a discussion about copyrights at her newsgroup).

The photographs used on the buttons were taken by me at the Finncon 04. I hope that you will update any old codes with Hobb's pictures in them you might have been using to make sure we are not infringing anyone's copurigths here. Thank you. :)

This site

© 2003-2004 Mervi memories [at] theplenty.net

random quote

It´s not the things you can do that mark your age. It´s the things you find you can´t do any longer.

-Ristin in "Reindeer People"