What is a fanlisting?

A fanlisting is simply a list of fans of certain subject, in this case an author. The first fanlisting was started to find out how many Buffy fans there were in the Internet, and the phenomenon has since grown very popular. Fanlisting are listed at and monitored by a community called theFanlistings.org.

Fanlistings are open for everyone to join and are different from web rings or cliques because you do not have to have a site to join.
The required information is your first name or nick and your country as well as a working email address to ensure that people are not joining multiple times. You can also have your website listed alongside your other information, but in that case it is a common courtesy to link back to the fanlisting too.

Fanlistings are not fanclubs. They are free and you do not gain anything by joining. It is a very addictive hobby and very difficult to explain to anyone who asks "what's the point of it"? :D

Please note that this fanlisting is NOT affiliated in any way with Robin Hobb herself. It is run by a fan, not the author herself. Please visit her official site to contact her instead of sending emails to me. Thank you.

© 2003-2004 Mervi memories [at] theplenty.net

random quote

However, when all roads lead to death, there is no point in running down any of them.

-Fitz in "Assassin´s Apprentice"