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There are currently 489 FAQs.
Diocesan offices and agencies FAQs
 Are background checks performed on Catholic school teachers and staff members?
 Are there any rules for/against married couples serving on the same parish council committee? In my parish by-laws there is no reference.
 Can a Parish Council meeting be held without the pastor being present?
 Could the Archdiocese of Milwaukee budget be reduced instead of pushing for more funds from the Catholic Stewardship Appeal?
 Could you solicit individuals from parishes that have not met their Catholic Stewardship Appeal goals, as opposed to soliciting individuals from parishes that have already met their goals?
 Do Catholic school teachers need to have a teaching license?
 Do Catholic schools have an emergency plan?
 Do committee reports have to be "officially approved minutes" before a report is given to the council?
 Do students in Catholic Schools take standardized tests?
 Does the archdiocese have an undisclosed plan for my parish?
 Does the Archdiocese of Milwaukee establish standards for its students?
 Does the archdiocese offer a training program for council nominees or new members? If so, when? Where? Why are they important?
 Does the Department of Public Instruction have any supervision of Catholic schools?
 How are Catholic schools financially accountable?
 How are funds from the Catholic Stewardship Appeal used?
 How can I obtain a copy of the Catholic Herald?
 How can my parish receive the WORD OF LIFE intercessions and bulletin inserts?
 How do the Milwaukee Catholic Urban Academies benefit from the Catholic Stewardship Appeal?
 How does a parish benefit from the Catholic Stewardship Appeal?
 How does the Catholic Herald compare to other Catholic diocesan newspapers?
 How is the parish council membership data updated for Archdiocesan records?
 How long will it take our parish to develop a plan?
 How often should our parish be involved with the planning process?
 How will our parish benefit if we become involved in the planning process?
 If a parish council member perceives a problem with a staff member, what authority do we have to address the situation? Can we request that the person be reviewed/terminated if the situation is serious?
 Is it possible to get the complete manual from the internet?
 Is it possible to run the Catholic Stewardship Appeal without parish involvement?
 I've received multiple mailings from the Catholic Stewardship Appeal - why is this?
 Revisions for the Parish Council Manual 2003 are printed one sided - existing manuals are two sided. Some changes occur on only one side of the existing two sided copy. If I don't reprint both sides the old information will remain. Please advise.
 Should parish council constitution/bylaws include an Article regarding the liability of council member?
 The Catholic Stewardship Appeal provides over one-quarter of the Archdiocese of Milwaukee operating budget. Where do other funds come from?
 This is a question.
 We like our pastor and we want to keep him. Why does he have to move? What are the reasons for a Term of Office policy?
 What are the rules governing employees holding a position on Parish Council?
 What is a Parish Council Orientation session?
 What is strategic planning?
 What is the Catholic Herald Parenting®?
 What is the Catholic Herald policy on letters to the editor or guest opinions?
 What is the Catholic Herald's web site address?
 What is the Catholic Stewardship Appeal operating budget?
 What is the difference between a commission and a committee?
 What is the Milwaukee Catholic Press Apostolate Inc.?
 What is the mission of the Catholic Herald?
 What is the relationship between the Catholic Herald and the archbishop?
 What is the relationship between the Catholic Herald and the Archdiocese of Milwaukee?
 What office provides training materials for liturgical ministers (lectors, ushers/greeters/hospitality, communion ministers, cantors, servers)?
 What regularly appears in the Catholic Herald?
 What standing committees does the archdiocese require parishes to have?
 When was the Catholic Herald first published?
 Who currently receives the Catholic Herald?
 Who handles media relations for the Archdiocese of Milwaukee?
 Who is responsible for parish and cluster planning?
 Whom should we contact with other questions regarding the planning process?
 Why are more parishes “discerning” new members to council? Doesn’t that take away the right of all parishioners to be involved in the process of selecting new council members?
 Why are some priests exempt from the term of office policy?
 Why can't parish goals for the Catholic Stewardship Appeal be based on a per capita amount?
 Why does our parish need a plan if we already know that we want to build?