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Submission Guidelines

It is preferred that all contributions are submitted electronically (via email attachment) in Microsoft Word or equivalent. Please include brief author biography with submissions, including degree status and university affiliation.

Article contributions must be referenced (as 'Works Cited') in MLA style, for example
Probyn, Elspeth. Sexing the Self. London and New York : Routledge, 1993.

Please use single quotation marks (or double quotation marks within quotations), aligned margins, and single spacing throughout the text (with a space between each paragraph). Paragraphs should not be indented.

Articles are to be no longer than 6000 words in length, emailed as a Microsoft Word attachment.

Style Guidelines
Altitude follows the MLA style guidelines, except for citations within the text. These are to be provided with bibliographic information in the form of endnotes (numbering from 1 upwards). Multiple further citations of the same source can be indicated by page number within the text, ie. (12); this should be accompanied by a statement in the text's preceding endnote such as: 'Further references are included within the text'. Citing the page number within the text ceases when the next footnote appears, but later references to a work already cited can be shortened to author and title within the endnotes (ie. Gunew, Framing Marginality 13). Quotations are to be enclosed in single quotation marks (using double marks only with embedded quotations).

1.Gunew, Sneja. Framing Marginality: multicultural literary studies. Carlton: Melbourne University Press, 1994. 12.
2.Lingis, Alphonso. 'Typhoons'. Cultural Studies Review. 8:1 (2002): 95.

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