
Princess Kitty


Hey y'all, and welcome to my very own web page! I am a one-year-old calico cat. Katie and Jeff, my owners, say I am very "persnickety".I don't know what that means, but I do know exactly what I want. If that makes me "persnickety", call me guilty! Also, sometimes, if I don't get my way, I might snap at you. In other word, I bite. But I only bite the people I love!

I used to be an outdoorsy kind of kitty, but I am declawed and Katie and Jeff like to keep me inside now. One year, I spent the summer months outside. I had such a great time! I spent the days resting on the front porch, in the garage window, or up in Jeff's toolbox. I also helped around the house by catching and eating all of the lizards that came around the garage. My favorite pastimes include helping Katie and Jeff lose small things around the house, like hair clips and pencils, as well as chasing shadows on the floor and biting ankles. I also have an insatiable appetite for Q-Tips. Don't ask me why...but I like to put them in my food bowl.

My blanky!

This is my favorite blanket. I was a baby in this picture. I know I'm kind of old for this now, but I still like to suck on it.

Should've named her Cleopatra

This is me last Christmas. I love to pose for the camera!

Do you have to wake me?

Katie woke me up in one of my favorite napping spots to take this picture. I look mad, don't I?


Katie likes to bother me while I nap. Can you tell?

Wrap me up!

I wanted to give myself to someone for Christmas this year, but Katie kept shooing me away from the box.

Check out these great resources on pets and their people!


Cat Fancy's website. They have all sorts of useful health information, as well as a photo gallery and stories about other kitties!

Cat Delight, a website that has made me FAMOUS! Go see me, and while you're there, submit a picture of your furry feline friend too.

Animal Bytes. Get your free dog and cat wallpaper and screensavers here!

Doctor's Foster and Smith, a great online resource for all things pet-related. You can order online or request a catalog, and you can even get prescriptions filled! I just got a great litter box from there, and now Katie cleans it a little better.

Ask the Vet, a Texas vet's web site with some cute stories (see "Q-Tip", above)and other useful information about pets.

Healthy Pets...By the American Animal Hospital Association.

Perfect Paws. Katie says this is a great place to learn about animal behavior.


We used to have a bunch of webrings for cats here, but since Yahoo took over Webring, things are just a royal pain...so no more webrings. Sorry!!! =(



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And of course, a great big "MEOW" of thanks to Geocities for this web space!