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•  K-9: P.I. directed by Richard J. Lewis

So THIS is What James Belushi's Been Up To
If you didn't see the first two, you probably won't understand this one.
•  K-PAX directed by Iain Softley

Spacey vs. Bridges
Two actors dukin' it out it Hollywoodland
•  K19: The Widowmaker directed by Kathryn Bigelow

A sort of submarine medley
A hodgepodge of elements from other submarine movies. Some work, some don't.
•  Kabinett des Doktor Caligari, Das (The Cabient of Dr. Caligari) directed by Robert Wiene

Silent Modernist Art
Anyone who's seen Dr. Caligari becomes aware of its artisty and will remember three things: Conrad Veidt's lumbering walk, the surreal set design, and the denouement.
•  Kaidan directed by Masaki Kobayashi

Japanese Twilight Zone
A series of four short "ghost" stories that serve as morality plays and will remind you of The Twilight Zone, filmed at a slower pace with vibrant colors.
•  Kandahar (Safar e Ghandehar) directed by Mosen Makhmalbaf

Inside "Modern" Afghanistan
The solar eclipse symbolizes Afghanistan perfectly in this devastating look at the Taliban controlled country. Will things be better without the Taliban?
•  Kangaroo Jack directed by David McNally

Where's an animal rights activist when you actually need one?
Sheer garbage, but I suppose that goes without saying.
•  Kazaam directed by Paul Michael Glaser

MAN SHAQ!!!!!!!!!!
Much like the franchises Michael Jackson and Hulk Hogan created of themselves, Shaq picks up the flag where they left off and, honestly, pop culture wouldn't be nearly as fun without them.
•  Kentucky Fried Movie directed by John Landis

In the Spirit of The Marx Brothers
Uneven mix of comedy. But Kentucky Fried Movie is a genre-breaking movie, so it's worth a look.
•  Kerd ma lui (Born to Fight) directed by Panna Rittikrai

Thai Kick Boxing Video Game Action
Characters don't matter here and the throw away plot is also irrelevant. It's post Pokemon generation non stop video game action with real stunts, and nothing more.
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Action Anime / Animation
Asian Action Comedy
Cult Documentary
Drama Exploitation
Foreign Gay / Lesbian
Horror Kids
Musicals Science Fiction / Fantasy
Silents Thriller
War Western

John NesbitRachel Gordon
Travis LowellMike Bracken
Tony PellumBrandon Curtis
Dainon MoodyDan Callahan
David AbramsJeremiah Kipp
Keith UhlichLee Chase IV
Daniel BrineyAndrew Hicks
Tiffany SanchezLucas Stensland
Chris Barsanti

   • States of Control
   • Andrew Jenks, Room 335
   • Sympathy for Lady Vengeance
   • Real Dirt on Farmer John, The
   • Up for Grabs
   • Peindre Ou Faire L'Amour (To Paint or Make Love)
   • Card Player, The

   • Hard Candy
   • Water
   • Lonesome Jim
   • Don't Come Knocking
   • United 93
   • Clean

   • States of Control
   • Dame sobh (Day Break)
   • Shatranj Ke Khilari (The Chess Players)
   • Exils (Exiles)
   • Amantes del Círculo Polar, Los
   • Batman Returns

   • Doa al karawan (The Nightingale's Prayer)
   • Earth
   • Fire
   • Tales From the Crypt: Demon Knight
   • Pratidwandi (Adversary, The)
   • Wolves of Wall Street

   •Summer's big bang (whimper)
   •Lee Picks The Best (And Worst) of 2005
   •The Jewish/Palestinian Question: Cinema That Seeks Broader Strokes
   •2005: 10 Best Films of the Year
   •Best Movies of 2005
   •Dead Again, or A New Dawn for George A. Romero: An Interview With Author Tony Williams
   •Lloyd Kaufman, Troma Entertainment President
   •My Evening With Bruce
   •2005 Los Angeles International Short Film Festival

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