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Home > Columns > GamerDad Signal > Thanksgiving 2005

GamerDad Signal: Thanksgiving 2005
by Andrew Bub
November 23, 2005
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The older I get, the more I like Thanksgiving. It's a glorious holiday, one that instantly conjures up something special for each of the five senses. Thanksgiving means colored leaves under a soft blanket of new snow, fine food lovingly prepared, football, family, warmth, and love.

It's a special holiday and it's a pity it's exclusive, on this date at least, to the United States. Why? Thanksgiving is for everyone. It's about being thankful and counting your blessings. Even if the holiday itself is problematic for you (for cultural reasons), the spirit behind it: breaking bread with family and friends to celebrate what you have, definitely has appeal and is something we should do more often..

Look around you. If you're reading this it means you're a parent, have kids in your life, or at least are young at heart. You get it. So, let me ask you a question: What are you thankful for? It's a question everyone should ask themselves.

I'm thankful for my wife and kids, my family, and for GamerDad. We've built a community here, one I'm increasingly impressed with. You'll be impressed too, when you read our annual Holiday Guide this year. The gang really knocked this one out of the park – oops, that should be a football reference. On 4th and 3, the GamerDad crew ran it up the gut for the score. That's better.

Let me raise a glass and toast you GamerDad reader. For loving games, for loving your kids enough to play with them, and for being savvy enough not to buy the anti-videogame hype, yet also smart enough to be concerned.

Cheers and Happy Thanksgiving from GamerDad.

Addendum: GamerDad has a new PC! But it's having some problems. What is it with me and technology lately? Anyway, the point is, I'm playing Civilization IV and in grave danger of getting nothing done whatsoever. The Xbox 360 came out this week. Microsoft notified me yesterday that ours will be here soon, which is good because we already have a few games and their surprisingly non-entertaining without the system. I'm playing Civ IV (PC), Battlefield 2 (PC), MarioKart (DS) and I've given up on Lord of the Rings: Tactics because it keeps crashing on me.

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