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Home > GamerDad FAQs

GamerDad FAQs

Question: Who Is GamerDad?

Answer: GamerDad is Andrew S. Bub, a freelance technology and media journalist who's covered videogames, computers, and movies for the better part of the past decade. He's also a stay-at-home father to two adorable children (one of each gender) and an aspiring Children's Book Author. His first novel is currently at Simon & Schuster (no contract yet) and his second novel is making the rounds. His third novel is half finished - or half-begun, depending on whether or not you're an optimist or a pessimist. An expert on videogames, tech, and how they relate to Children, Andrew's colorful career has led him to serve stints as a: Contributing Editor - CNet, PCGamer, CMP, Maximum PC, PC Upgrade, Tech Edge, and Computer Games Magazine. Contributing Writer - Yahoo Games, GameSpy, Firing Squad, GamePower Columnist - Daily Radar, LA Weekly, Sharky Extreme, Yahoo Games, CNet Journalist - USA Today, Sports Illustrated Online, CNNi Tech Writing -, Microsoft, Minute Man Press Books - Author of 2 Prima Strategy Books (Prince of Persia 3D, Toy Commander) and Contributor to three more.

Question: What Media Do You Cover?

Answer: Everything child/parent related. Xbox, GameCube, GameBoy Advance, PC, PS2, PSP, DS movies, books, etc., If it seems important enough, and I can buy or get a copy, I'll cover it here. I promise!

Question: Are You Some Kind of Expert?

Answer: Yes.

As GamerDad I've been quoted as an expert in publications including: Dallas Morning News, Toronto's National Press, Child Magazine, Cookie Magazine, Parade Magazine, The New York Times, The Boston Herald, and more. On radio I've been interviewed by TechWatch and NPR. I've been a gamer since I was six years old. I've been a published critic, completely self-employed as a game writer, for over five years now. I've published over 700 game related articles, written over 110 columns, 40 articles, and interviewed the best and brightest gaming has to offer (Bruce Shelley, Sid Meier, and a horde of other people who's names you probably don't know... but really should). More importantly, I'm a father. But no, I'm not a Child Psychologist, Behavioral Scientist, or "Killologist". But I do pay my taxes!

Question: How Can I Help GamerDad?

Answer: There are several ways actually. The easiest is to spread the word. You can also use the link in the left hand margin to buy goods at Amazon (GamerDad gets a small percentage of each sale made through this link). We accept donations through PayPal (left hand margin, below the advertisement). And we also sell GamerDad clothing and gift items though our store. Or, just remember to visit our advertisers on the main page and look to the right margin at the Google ads. We get a few pennies for each Google ad you click on. Make it a daily habit! All proceeds go directly back into GamerDad, I promise.

Question: Why Is There A Need For GamerDad?

Answer: As a freelance game critic, who had just become a parent, I realized something: I play every game that comes out. I read most websites, most magazines, and am privvy to super-secret press releases. But when I walk into Toys R Us, Best Buy, Target, and look at the games for the kiddies.... I have no clue what's good and what's bad. I realized that the game press has (almost) completely ignored the parents among its readership. For shame!

Then I saw KidsDomain and The Children's Software Revue and, while they're excellent publications for what they do, they don't really satisfy the needs and curiosity of the hardcore gamer. I visited message boards and noticed there's a lot of hardcore gamers out there and many of them want to share gaming with their kids. There's also a lot of moms and dads out there concerned about the negative rap gaming gets in the mainstream press.

GamerDad exists because I think there are parents out there who want straight talk about gaming. Want to share games with their kids or at least learn about what their kids are playing. Maybe they want to talk to other GamerParents and kids about why they love games, why their kids love games, and what games are good.

Oh, that and the fact that I'm also a stay-at-home dad... and I needed something to do during naptime.

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