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for writers who want to be read

Author Topics : E!

E! currently works for a secret government agency that is so secret none of the other employees know they work for it, nor do they get paid. In her capacity with this agency, she has stopped terrorist attacks, caused the downfall of foreign dictatorships, and created lots of traffic on the information superhighway. She likes chocolate and the hum of the air conditioner, and hates mandatory bios. As if you couldn't already tell.


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Message 341883 by Karen Swanberg on 2004-05-06 14:34:52. Feedback: 0
Hi E!

Over on the OWW (in the zoo) people periodically recommend your rules of writing. Something along the lines of:

Each scene should accomplish at least two of these X things:
1) Build character
2) worldbuild
3) advance the plot

But no one seems to remember the whole set. Would you be willing to repost in this public place?

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If you're confused about whether that agency is legitimate or not, why not check out Writer Beware's 20 Worst Literary Agencies?