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Alcohol is one of the most reliable triggers for cluster headache, although some chronic sufferers seem to be resistant to alcohol's ability to attract the beast.

Most clusterheads give up alcohol, atleast while they are in cycle or in a chronic phase.

Alcohol leads to a rapid increase in Nitric Oxide (NO) in the blood, which is associated with the warm, flushing feelings that are felt with a drink. With repeated alcohol use, NO may become depleted. This is consistent with some reports that while drinking can trigger a cluster, even more drinking can abort or prevent. Such a strategy carries an obvious risk of alcoholism, and any attempt to detox from alcohol could trigger more headaches. Most clusterheads simply quit drinking while they are in an active headache phase - any pleasure from alcohol is far outweighed by the pains of additional CH.

Alcohol is recognized as a risk factor for sleep Apnea, which may affect as many as 80% of cluster headache sufferers.

Alcohol may also trigger headaches through stimulation of the Aryl Hydrocarbon (ArH) receptors - other organic solvents (gasoline, cleaning fluids, perfumes) are also common triggers, and most of these also stimulate the Arh receptor.

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Created by: admin last modification: Thursday 28 of July, 2005 [22:22:50 UTC] by admin