
El proyecto de Fink desea traer el gran mundo del software de Unix de Código Abierto a Darwin y al Mac OS X. Nosotros modificamos el software de UNIX de manera que pueda ser compilado y ejecutado en Mac OS X (lo "portamos") y lo hacemos disponible como una distribución coherente que se pueda descargar. Fink usa herramientas de Debian tales como dpkg y apt-get para proveer un poderoso manejo de paquetes. Usted puede escoger entre la descarga de un binario precompilado o todo desde código fuente. Más información...


2006-08-19: Server down; workarounds available-

Update: 21 August 2006: The server has been restored.

The server which hosts four important fink services (the rsync update, the binary distribution, the "master mirror" of source files, and the package database) is down at the moment. We are hoping that the server will be restored as early as Monday, August 21, but are providing these workarounds for use during the period of outage.

To update fink, you must either select an rsync mirror other than the primary one (see the next paragraph), or use the command fink selfupdate-cvs. You only need to give this command once; subsequent updates will continue to be performed using CVS. When the server is restored, you can revert to rsync updating by means of the command fink selfupdate-rsync.

To work around the lack of the binary distribution, and the "master mirror" of source files, run the command fink configure. You should accept the default answers to all of the questions, except the following: when asked "Should Fink try to download pre-compiled packages from the binary distribution if available?" answer "no" (to disable the binary distribution); when asked if you want to change the mirror settings, answer "yes", and then you will be asked "What mirror order should fink use when downloading sources?". The answer is "2: Search Master Mirrors last" (to disable the automatic attempts to use the master mirror server). Finally, if you have decided to stick with rsync for updates, when asked to "Choose a mirror for 'RSync SelfUpdate'" you should choose one other than rsync:// Unfortunately, other choices might not be available to you if you are in the U.S.

Finally, to use the package database during the outage, you can connect to this backup copy of the package database which is a few weeks out of date.

2006-07-24: Reminder: "10.4-transitional" Tree Unsupported on August 1st, 2006-

The "10.4-transitional" tree was created as an interim solution to the issues of incompatibilities between binaries made using GCC 3.3 (the default Mac OS X 10.3 compiler) and GCC 4.0 (the default Mac OS X 10.4 compiler). Now that the work to move Fink to using GCC 4.0 is essentially finished, we will be stopping official support of the "10.4-transitional" tree in favor of the "10.4" tree as of August 1st, 2006.

You should not need to do anything if "fink --version" prints "0.8.1.cvs" or "0.8.1.rsync".

As we mentioned previously, there are 2 ways to make the switch to the supported "10.4" tree.

The simplest way is to remove your Fink installation by deleting it and installing fresh using the 0.8.1 installer available from the download page.

Alternately, to preserve your Fink installation, download the upgrade script and read the README for instructions on how to upgrade your existing installation in-place. This will re-build your Fink installation from source, upgrading everything in the process. Be warned, it can take a lot of time, depending on your fink installation!

Feedback on the upgrade script has been very positive; many users have already made the switch. If you have problems, please feel free to mail your issues to the discussion lists.

2006-07-24: Fink Birds-of-a-Feather at OSCON 2006-

Are you at OSCON 2006? Want to meet up?

Benjamin Reed (RangerRick on #fink) is at OSCON and is interested in meeting anyone who wants to hang out and talk about Fink, or even just meet for the heck of it.

Meet us in room F150 on Wednesday, July 26th at 8:30pm and we'll talk about Fink, Mac OS X, and anything else that takes our fancy.


Estado de Fink

Fink 0.8.1 ha sido liberado el 15 junio 2006. Dicha liberación incluye paquetes en códigos fuente y binarios así como instaladores binarios. Fink 0.7.2 (para OS X 10.3), Fink 0.6.4 (para OS X 10.2) y 0.4.1 (para OS X 10.1) siguen siendo disponibles.


Si estas buscando soporte, revisa la página de ayuda. Esta página también lista varias opciones para ayudar al proyecto y proporcionar retroalimentación.

El proyecto Fink es albergado por SourceForge. Además de albergar el sitio y las descargas, SourceForge provee los siguientes recursos al proyecto:

Por favor, note que para hacer uso de algunos de estos recursos (ie. para reportar un bug o solicitar un nuevo paquete de Fink), usted deberá estar logeado en una cuenta del SourceForge. Si no tiene dicha cuenta, deberá obtener una en el sitio web del SourceForge.

Additional resources hosted outside SourceForge include: