UK Chinese lesbian network.                                                                                             


Hi there!  Welcome to the network!  This part of the website aims to make visible the Chinese lesbian community in the UK.  If you wish to be added then here's what you to do...

Chinese lesbian assignment:

As an alternative to the usual profile stuff this network will be used as a platform to share our 'stories' and experiences.  So basically, if you wish to be included then would you like to submit your story?  Now your story can take any shape or form, it can be long or can even be factual or fictional...use it as a springboard to get summit of your chest.  Use it to gush/rant about something...also you do not have to use your own name, make up an alias if you want...and adding a contact link is entirely up to you.  Also include a picture...again this could be one of you OR (perhaps more interestingly) a picture of something that for you reflects/represents your identity of being a Chinese lesbian.  Serious as all this sounds remember one thing...have fun with it! 


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