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I was put off by the grandiose claims (and the download!). I know it's the way these things are normally written, but you should at least substantiate what you can. Like the "ten times" bit. 10X Compared to what?

Otherwise, I love the website design, and it seems very interesting. I'll try it out as soon as I can find Windows.

I'm currently learning German by reading comics, which is pretty good at providing some form of positive feedback, as well as image clues. I'm curious to see if that can be improved.

Yes its an important point. But you'll need users to be able to prove that. Its ok to lie a bit initially I think :)


Once you lose credibility...


If the product isn't trash...its ok. I don't think most people will try 5-7 language learning products before they chose one. As long as it works they'll end up recommending to others.


to put it another way, dont start off on the wrong foot.


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