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And I get tired of people with 6 months RoR under their belt proselytizing it as the last word in programming languages. And in regards to the "omg you're just like hot or not!" comment, um, yeah, sure. Keep thinking that. Good.

Fair enough, but I've been using RoR for 2 years and it is amazingly useful. It's a far better web programming environment than php or django. If you didn't like it that's cool, I really don't care, but don't submit your language bashing blog post to newsy. Also, it doesn't really matter if you're a rip off of hot or not as a user that's the first thing I thought as I clicked the back button away from your site.


Geezus, the guy is entitled to an opinion about a technology that he has used to deploy a website. You must really care because you bothered to post some dickish response.


Same here with david. I was attracted to Rails and seeing that it's written in Ruby I decided to take the plunge. I agree with plusBryan that it is important to have many options.

Frameworks have their own strengths and weaknesses inherited from the languages used to build them.

So quit the hating, please I don't get why RoR dudes(not all of them in fairness) love to bash hackers using other languages or frameworks. Although blogs like this tend to bring out alot of passionate if not misguided individuals.

I say pick your tools for the job.


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