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Seems like you aren't alone, but might be a couple weeks late. Traffic's dropped tremendously, it feels like (then again, so has the amount of startup-related news). Care to corroborate, PG?

I have noticed the drop off too, I has associating it with the end of the application period for YC... That said, the dreary pace does allow us to slow down and focus. I think this would be a great time for us to start some broader discussions and actually have the discussion carry on for a couple days instead of hours.

That said, as someone else pointed out, what really matters is doing things, not talking about em :)


It's the beginning of summer. People are off doing summer things.


I've often seen a forum's traffic pick up during the summer, as students have more time to slack off.


For dating sites probably.

For "work" sites like this, I'd say no.


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